
16 April 2012

Sexy Zone support Olympic volleyball

Like Hey! Say! JUMP before them Sexy Zone will be the special support group for the Olympic volleyball final qualifiers. The matches will be aired from May 19th to June 10th.

For this position the group has a new song, Kimi no Tame Boku ga Iru (basically translates to "I am here for you."). Sato Shori of the group wrote the lyrics to the song, the first time he has written lyrics for a song.

There is no mention if the song will be for a new single.

Momoedgewood article. (English)

I am happy that SZ is keeping busy and for Shori to have the honor of writing the lyrics for a song like this.

Because of the timing I think this song might end up as a B-side to another down the road, as a May or early June release seems a bit too close in date since the release of Lady Diamond. And I am sure Johnny's will want to make sure the single has some strong tie-ins so it can do well so waiting for them to have another song with a tie-in sounds about right to me.

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