
13 December 2012

NEWS' beautiful love

The pre-orders are open for the upcoming concert release from NEWS. They will be releasing a DVD from their comeback tour Utsukushii Koi ni Suruyo at the first venue they performed at, Chichibunomiya Rugby Stadium on August 14, 2012. It will be released on January 30th, 2013.

The release will have two versions, a limited edition and a regular edition.

The regular edition will be two discs long with the concert on the first disc. The second disc will have special footage from the surprise event they did for fans for the release of their comeback single Chankapaana.

The limited edition will be three discs long, with one of the discs having the concert itself. The second disc will have a documentary that will follow the group's comeback. Then on the third disc will be digest footage of the concerts at other venues on the tour as well as a footage of their release event for their comeback single, Chankapaana. There is also a CD that comes with this set that will have a talk between the members that lasts about thirty minutes.

While this was announced on Koyama Keiichiro's radio program a few days ago I have been waiting for it to show up on sites for pre-order in hopes of getting more information about this release. I am glad I did as all that was known before was the release date so there is definitely more than that to report about for this release.

They definitely want to make their fans poor with something different on the non-concert discs of the different versions. Of course the limited edition is probably the best to get if you are undecided and can afford to only get one version.

I am just happy they are releasing this on DVD as a NEWS fan that could not go to their comeback concerts. I really cannot wait to see this concert and see what NEWS with only four members can do.


Jpopwanderer said...

wow with all the xtra stuffs. I wish KT would have put as much in their latest concert DVD. Their concert part was awesome but i'm greedy XD

I wonder what do you expect w/ NEW concert DVD sale?. Their latest single seems to be doing okay, much lower than their previous one but that was expected, i think.

Unknown said...

I really hope the best for NEWS. They had such a bad luck and they seem to care about each others so much ... I just want to cheer them on!! News Gambatte!!
I do wonder about Yamapi´s decision of going after a solo career. I like him sometimes even love him but he can not sing!!he is great at doramas and he is really funny (when he wants to) but all by himself in a concert? mmm I think it was a terrible idea!!I didn´t like it in Jin (a solo C ) but at least he can sing! but Yamapi?? he should had stick to News... and he was always in the spotlight. I can not understand him!

Thennary Nak said...

@ Jpopwonderer

I always wonder how things like extras get decided on for releases like this. Because like you said this is a great release with all the extras it will be coming with.

Not sure, but probably not a whole lot. NEWS right now I think is still trying to find their place and identity as a four member group since their comeback and losing the two members they did is bound to hurt them sales-wise for some time to come. But I think as long as there are fans that will support them they will want to remain as a group.

@ Nanu fui

I hope for the best for them as well.

I think Yamapi never felt as comfortable with the group as other members. He really knew no one well outside of Ryo and Ryo was always K8 first.

I see Yamapi as an ambitious kind of person and that is part of why he wanted to go solo. I am not sure if he will do well in the long run, I think he lacks the kind of charisma a soloist needs, but he sure is getting all the chances in the world to succeed.

Anonymous said...

I wish the best for NEWS. They were the first debut group I got to "know" since I got into Johnny's in 2004--though Tackey and Tsubasa are what drew me to Johnny's. What I couldn't believe is that yesasia had the NEWS limited for $106.00. I've never paid that much for a Johnny's disc (or any other, as far as I know). cdjapan had it for under $90, but it was quickly gone. I still ordered it from yesasia, but if that is going to be the price for new limited (or other) Johnny's dvds, I may have to stop getting so many!!!

kawaii said...

i'm glad for news. they workhard as four and proud of the fans that still loyal waiting for them.