
31 December 2012

JCD live blog

Live blogging this but I will be mainly just updating during CM breaks. Though I am still looking for the best streaming site for this.
The site I am using keeps buffering or I would share the link. But there might be another that will come through. I hope it does or this is going to be painful to watch streamed.

It's lagging like crazy. Could see Kis-My-Ft2, HSJ, Nakayama Yuma, two of the five A.B.C-Z members. Know Kinki and Matchy set things off.

Keeps buffering. Got a bit of Yamapi's Daite Senorita. And the very start of Kisumai's Everybody go. And now on A-Z 5stars.

Came back a bit for NYC and it looks like Yuma is going to hang out with HSJ. HSJ do JUMP Band, or part of it, for Magic Power.

Poor Nakaken, he has to do Sexy Summer solo as the rest of his group have to sit JCD out.

Lagged out as NEWS began Chankapaana and returned for a second for KAT-TUN's Birth.

Higashiyama is there at lest for Shounentai.

Finally stopped lagging for a little while to see them stand and wait for midnight. Which is almost here.

*sigh* Now it is no longer loading at all for me. So unless another streaming source comes up I will not be able to continue this.

Patience is a virtue and I found a much better stream. Check it out here:

Kanjuu perform followed by K8 on the roof that Arashi has been performing on for the past couple of years.

Poor Nakaken, he's stuck on MC duty being the only one of his group that can participate. HSJ's outfits for Super Delicate are blinding. Kisumai looking and sounding good.

Right now it is hit song for the year, pretty much. So the usual songs being promoted in the year end songs. Loving NEWS and World Quest still. Not the worst outfits they have but there seems to be quite a bit of blue for groups this year.

Moved on to a Kinki Kids 15th anniversary medley. Yamada got to sing with them for one of the songs. I think his year has been made already with that. NEWS got to sing the final song with Kinki.

Now a new medley starting with Higashiyama and V6. Matchy has NEWS and KAT-TUN with him on the giant trolly to sing his latest song.

Kinki singing Family. And their kouhai are joining in.

Even though Yuma is on his own he does not seem to stand out nearly as much as Nakaken. It probably helps that he gets to stick to HSJ for it all.

But now they are doing a MC to bring groups up and talk about what to look forward in the coming year.

So Arashi are on their usual rooftop. I guess K8 must be hanging out with them off camera. And there they are. Subaru is the king of creepy faces.

It's NEWS up and then commercials.

Back and KAT-TUN are up followed by TOKIO who are also on the rooftop. I guess they figured it was getting too crowded at the dome to race them all over. Yamapi maybe got a sentence out before commercials again.

A CM with Ikuta Toma. Kinda wish he was at JCD.

We return to get HSJ followed by Kisumai whose outfits could match Kinki's. And there are all of A.B.C-Z.

Kinda a pain how they do all the commercials at the end of JCD. But I guess on the flip side they do not break for them earlier in the program during the actual performances. And a good amount of them do have Johnny's in them as well.

We get the odds and ends with Uchi Hiroki, Nakayama Yuma and Nakaken, who all get one rushed sentence each. I guess we are getting to the guys who have their Chinese zodiac year up next.

Or maybe not. I can't believe it's over already. Probably because I managed to miss a big chunk of it because this stream was not easy to find.

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