
02 November 2011

Q&A Month: Question 1

First off I'd just like to thank everyone who has left a question already. I was a bit worried that I would get no response for this so it made me really happy that I was wrong about that. I will be answering these questions for the most part one at a time and it won't be completely in order as if you asked multiple questions I'll fit someone else's question in between yours so no one feels like they have to wait forever for me to get to them.

The 1st question is from Chris who asks: - for how many years are you a Johnnys fan already?

About four. Four years and four months is about as exact I can get. I used to do anniversary blog entries the first couple of years I had this blog but quit and decided I would wait for the special anniversary years, like 5 years, 10 years and so on, to do anymore.

I mark my entry into Johnny's fandom as July 2007 because even though I was getting to learn about Johnny's, mainly via NEWS, from about June 2007 it was in July that I finally admitted that I had been over and became a fan. It also helps that July 2007 was when the Junior Hey! Say! 7 released their single and became the second Johnny's group that I became a fan of.

And speaking of Junior Hey! Say! 7, as a Hey! Say! JUMP fan I can't help but feel specially connected to the group between my anniversary years as a Johnny's fan matches their anniversaries as a group together.

Have a question of your own that you want to ask? Just leave them in a comment on the first entry.


Chris said...

Thank you for answering :D
I envy you because you were able to follow JUMP through the early years. I became a fan in early 2009btw.

Chris said...

I mean I loved Johnnys before too but I payed attention to Jump since 2009.

Thennary Nak said...

I feel pretty lucky about being able to follow HSJ from the start too. It also helps give me some insight for a debut like SZ as much from what I saw about HSJ, with people's attitudes towards the group, I can see being repeated with SZ.