
01 November 2011

Kis-My-Ft2 We never give up!

The second single for Kis-My-Ft2 has been announced for Kis-My-Ft2. It's titled We never give up! and will come out on December 14th. Three versions have been announced, 2 LEs and a RE. The 1st LE comes with the DVD for the PV and making of, the 2nd LE will have digest footage from their Tokyo Dome concert and then the RE will have a bonus track not on the other two versions.

Excite News (Japanese)

Honestly my first thought that was from the song title they must still be going with their "cheer" image from Everybody Go as it sounds like the kind of title that would be best to cheer someone on. But I think this potentially could be quite fitting for the group seeing as they had to work so hard to debut.

I really can't wait for this single. As exciting as the news for their debut single was I feel just as excited for this second single as they will finally start looking like true major groups with more to their discography than one single. Now all there needs to be released is an album but from the looks of it we are on the right track of getting one for next year, probably fall/winter time frame if they keep releasing singles at this pace.

EDIT: Some more information about the single. It will be used as the CM song for LAWSON/Hot Station in Japan and will have special version released through LAWSON/HMV as well as the special version you can only buy through the online Avex store, mu-mo. Both of these version just come with bonus items, the LAWSON will have a magazine and special comment from the members while the mu-mo will have a photo booklet and poster.


Kismy said...

OMGGG I can´t wait !!! XDD
Finally the second single!!!
If only December would come sooner ....

Chris said...

Great news !
The title sounds really similar to "Everybody Go" isn´t it?
Seems like it´s going to be a song with a strong message again. I´m really excited to hear the song!

Thennary Nak said...

@ Kismy

I can't wait either. I pre-ordered a copy as soon as I saw it was up at CDJapan. Honestly I was guessing we would get the next single in December so I was already prepared for the wait.

@ Chris

Pretty much my thoughts about the titles too. But I like those kinds of songs and I hope the B-sides are like the ones off their debut single as those were all good too.

Misa said...

I´m seriously happy for their new single but.. Johnny wants all of our money T_T
Sexy Zone, Kat-tun, am I supposed to buy all this?!y
Aah, I need to save money again !!
Definitely need all Kiumai´s versions!!!!

Thennary Nak said...

It's the usual year end wallet drain. I'm just worried that a new HSJ or NYC single will be released in December as well and then I'll have something else I need to afford before the year's end.