
21 November 2011

Jin makes a pit stop in Japan

After being away for so long Akanishi Jin is making a return to Japan to release a new Japanese single and host a fan event. The single is called Seasons and will be released on December 28th. It will come in two versions, a RE that comes with a photo book and a LE that comes with a DVD with the PV and making of as well as four different covers, each one for each season.

With the single release he will be hosting a fan event for his Japanese fans at Yokohama Arena on January 7th. The fan event will include a listen to some of the tracks off his upcoming U.S. album, Q&A, live performance and a special surprise from Jin. There are plans to broadcast the event live in L.A.

Tokyohive article. (English)

I think this is a pretty good idea for Jin to do. He's been gone for long in Japan this will help make his Japanese fans not feel forgotten. Especially with a proper Japanese single attached to it. Of course it would be more helpful to his U.S. career to stay and promote his single before the album release but seeing as he's still much more popular in Japan than the U.S. this return also makes a lot of sense as well.

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