
04 November 2011

Akanishi Jin's US debut release events

Johnny's International sent out a new newsletter with a list of special release events Akanishi Jin will be doing to promote his debut song, Test Drive, on November 8th.

The first event will be a Live U-Stream session where he will answer questions left on his facebook page. It is scheduled to take place on November 8th at 4PM (PST), and you can find more information by checking out his official facebook page.

The second event is in connection with the first as it will be on the same Live U-Stream channel and start the moment it ends. Jin will be premiering the PV for Test Drive for everyone watching the channel after the first even ends.

Then the third event is a release event which will have a meet & greet autograph session (for only the first 50 lucky fans) and then a fan meet where ten people will be selected to personally ask him their questions. The event also happens on the 8th and starts around 7PM at The Beverly Center in L.A., California.

So Jin fans in the L.A. area have a lot to look forward, especially those first 50 fans. Though the newsletter did request for people to not line-up before 7PM for it so I think fans should keep that in mind and realize that you'll risk the chance of being shooed away by security if they decide to really enforce it.

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