
24 November 2011

Two Johnny's, Two Dramas & Two Supporting Roles

As we get closer to the start of the new drama season there have been some new announcements for the supporting cast of a couple of dramas that have already had their official announcement to confirm them.

First off SMAP's Inagaki Goro will be joining the cast of the drama Hungry!, a drama starring popular Japanese actor Mukai Osamu that will be airing on Fuji TV. He will be playing a villain character named Tokio, who owns a restaurant.

Tokyo Graph article. (English)

Then Hey! Say! JUMP's Chinen Yuri will be joining the supporting cast of Yamashita Tomohisa's upcoming drama in the role of the younger brother of Yamapi's character. The drama will air on  TBS starting on January 12th and is called Saikou no Jinsei no Owarikata ~Ending Planner~.

Tokyo Graph article. (English)

I have to confess I'm excited about Chinen getting a drama role. Honestly his acting has never impressed me, but I am glad to see that HSJ seems to be more active in general than they usually are with both him and Daiki in dramas this winter season. Hopefully this is a sign that members will be getting pushed when it comes to dramas from now on as I think the group is finally really hitting their stride and getting drama roles that get them out in the public eye will help them make the most of that.


Misa said...

Uhaaaaaa, Daiki, Chinen AND Yamada to star in dramas this coming January !!!!!!
I can´t believe it!!! First I thought it´s only Daiki but suddenly Chinen will play a supporting role and just now I read that Yamada is goint to play in a drama tooooo !!!!!
And Yuto will be his classmate??!!
OMGG, so long I´ve been waiting and now 3 Jump members got an acting role.
Too good to be truueeee XDDDD

Karina said...

Awesome! 2012 can come!
I wonder what happened that JE suddenly got 3 members at a time to play in dramas where we had to wait so long for any kind of drama with HSJ before. And all dramas will air in January.. I can´t help but think that we might get a new Jump single in February.

Thennary Nak said...

@ Misa

I just got the news about Yamada's drama and made a new post about it because it's made me really excited.

And it's 4 members, which means it's one away from being over half of the group's members. XD

@ Karina

I have no clue but the need to continue it. XD

I'm thinking we'll get a new single about that time too as there should be a good chance for HSJ to do the theme song for Yamada's drama.