
05 September 2012

Shige looks at sloppy eating

Kato Shigeaki will be starring in a late night drama on TBS this fall in the series Hana no Zubora-Meshi. The series is based off a manga series about a housewife that is living alone and frequently makes "sloppy" meals for herself to eat. Shige will play an original character that is studying "sloppy" ways of life that will give commentary. There will also be cooking segments at the end of the episodes he will help with.

The drama will begin on October 23rd and is slated to run for ten episodes.

Anime News Network article (English)

I seems like this fall season will be a good season for NEWS fans and drama with this and Masuda Takahisa being in a drama as well.

I hope that between the two series NEWS will get to do a theme song for at least one of them and we can get a new single out of it. I think if NEWS can release one more single before the end of the year I can feel truly satisfied with their comeback.

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