
18 September 2012


I guess to the surprise of few Kanjani8 have announced that their album release this year will be a Best album that they are titling 8EST. The album will cover all their singles since their debut up to this year's ER single, which means their latest single Aoppana will not be included. But there will be a brand new song on the album on all three editions the album will come in. The album will be released on October 17th.

The regular edition has the same track list from debut single to ER and then as a bonus only for that edition it has all the tracks on the limited edition singles GIFT. These singles were only available for a limited time and have been sold out for some time so for fans that missed out on them this is a great way to get those tracks.

The first limited edition is the Type A which comes with two DVDs as well as the CD. Because of everything packed on these DVDs I am just going to quote CDJapan's listing for them:

"bonus DVDs with live performance and documetnary of the event "8Sai (Hassai)," digest of "Gachinko Matsuri! Center wa Ore da!!, and "Matsubara Shinichi presents Sugohachi" held at Kyocera Dome in Osaka on August 8, 2012."

The second limited edition is the Type B which only has one bonus disc. This will have on its DVD the music video for the new song as well as making of footage and then it will also have footage of the date members Nishikido Ryo and Maruyama Ryuhei had to go on as a batsu game.

Overall K8 made sure to pack this release with plenty of stuff that fans would want. Even though I am sure their more hard core fans could skip on the RE the two LEs are right up their alley. While fans like me who are a bit more casual definitely benefit from the RE release by being able to get those tracks from the out of print singles that I would have had to have hunted down to by second hand otherwise. Though I do confess the Type A is tempting, but for its price tag I will have to pass.

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