
12 September 2012

Johnny's NTV late night dramas

Beginning with Shiritsu Bakaleya Koukou, continuing with Sprout and the upcoming Piece the late night after midnight slot on NTV seems to have gone to Johnny's. With both Bakaleya and Sprout Johnny's is listed as the major sponsor for them and I will be surprised if Piece will be any different.

This actually seems to be a good deal for NTV as so far the ratings for the Johnny's dramas have been quite strong for the airtime. Especially Bakaleya that not only had rating high enough to extend its run but also get a movie out of it.

It also is a good deal for Johnny's as they are able to give their younger talents a venue to gain experience with acting in dramas as well as greater exposure. I am sure that the leads of these dramas were being eyed as potential leading men in dramas in the future, except for Nakayama Yuma who has already been a lead actor in a drama but it has been some time since he was last in a drama so perhaps this is more like a mini restart for his drama acting work.

These dramas also look to be beneficial to at least the agencies of young actresses and female idols. These dramas can work just as well as starting points for them as well as giving them acting experience. I think it is quite telling that each drama has members from female idol groups cast that they are being used for pretty much the same reasons Johnny's is.

I really hope these dramas continue for a long time. It really helps out these up and coming acts, especially with the ratings they get. As I am sure the executives in charge of the prime time dramas will be more likely to cast main cast members from these dramas than before as they would have proven that they can help bring in some ratings. And for the late night fare they are they tend to be actually surprisingly solid with scripts and production. Sure none of it is really anything to write home about, but it still seems to be the top of the line for programming that late.

Johnny's seems to have found an excellent way to promote their up and coming actors. And as long as the dramas continue to be entertaining you will not find me complaining.


rana said...

I really like Hokuto and Bakaleya 6, I'm very happy that Hoku has 3 drama in year!

I wait for 6 boys debut and I cant wait to 2017 ^^

Thennary Nak said...

I hope Hokuto continues to get dramas for years to come. Though I hope he starts getting roles that let him do more with his acting than be quiet and look cool.

Me too. ^__^

Rana said...
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Rana said...

I never image I can like him like now ^^ and I cant image him get more popular and he can surpass KenFuma

Juri is the 1st Jr I like but now is 6 of them

I really like your blog and your discussion, many like my thought

and I'm sorry if it have drammar mistake, English is not 1rst language and I dont use it often

Thennary Nak said...

He has a lot of potential and as long as Johnny's is willing to push him he could go far.

Thank you, I am glad you enjoy my blog.

It is okay. I understand you fine.