
19 June 2012

Summer 2012 drama tentative watch list

Well just about everything is out about the summer dramas, minus theme song information for all of them. I have a list of dramas that I want to watch though how many I will actually watch as they air is a bit iffy as there are still dramas from this season I need to get around to watching. But this is the list of the dramas I want to at least give a try to, and of course they are all Johnny's related.

Sprout - With such a Johnny's filled cast I have to give this drama a chance. In fact I am thinking of doing episode by episode reviews of it like I am with Shiritsu Bakaleya Koukou. It is a late night drama so it should be only about a half hour for each episode so it would be a good replacement. But it will ultimately depend on how much I like the first episode. (July 7th start date)

Dragon Seinendan - I am actually really looking forward to this drama. I doubt it will be great but I do hope it is at least fun as that is what I will expect from it. I have not watched any drama Yasuda Shota has been in yet but I do like him from the variety programs I have seen him in. (July 17th start date)

Ghost Mama Sousasen ~Boku to Mama no Fushigina 100 Nichi~ - I love Nakama Yukie and the drama sounds like something I would enjoy. Plus there will be Sanada Yuma. (July 7th start date)

Beginners - Not sure if this drama is going to be something I will like even though I do like Fujigaya Taisuke. I will give it a try though because of him and Kitayama Hiromitsu and see if the first episode is good enough for me to want to watch anymore. (July 12th start date)

GTO - Plan on giving this a try, at least the first episode or two. I typically like the genre and it has Morimoto Shintaro in it. (July 3rd start date)

Yoru no Onnakyoushi - Will be giving this series a try just because Matsumura Hokuto will be in it. It is another drama I am overall unsure of so the first couple of episodes will have to win me over. (July start date TBD)

So that is the list for this season. We shall see if I actually get around to watching them all or not when the time comes.


Anonymous said...

i think i'll watching the 1st ep for bakada boys drama :)
let me see it's interesting drama or not. after that its decision to continue or not
actually i really waiting for gto because i like 1st ver and curious about this drama remake.. and the rating as well

Thennary Nak said...

I'm pretty much doing the same thing. I do hope I find a series that I love as much as Bakaleya in this upcoming season.