
27 June 2012

Shake It Up Wanna Beeee!!!

As expected Kis-My-Ft2 will be releasing a new single in August for the theme song of Fujigaya Taisuke's upcoming drama Beginners. The title of the song for that is WANNA BEEE!!! and the single will have Shiritsu Bakaleya Koukou's theme song, Shake It Up as another A-side making this a double A-side single.

The first limited edition comes with the two tracks and a DVD with the PV and making of for the track WANNA BEEE!!!.

The second limited edition has the same CD content but the DVD is the PV and making of for Shake It Up.

The regular edition is just a CD but comes with a third track not on the limited editions. The first press edition of this comes with a sticker.

There is of course another edition off the single that will only be released via the group's online store. It will only have the A-sides and comes with a pouch, an interchangeable jacket of individual pictures of the members of the group and a special message. This would bring the number of editions of the single to four for this release.

I am so glad that Shake It Up is getting released on CD with this single and they are not making fans wait until the next album or something for it.

I am a bit disappointed that the release date is not until August 15th, as it is one of the few August release dates without AKS single competition and Kisumai sells well enough they probably could have beat the AKS group releasing on the 1st, NO NAME, as they are a new subunit for the AKB0048 anime series so their tie-in is not as strong as a drama tie-in. But I guess there is no use complaining too much, I am just hoping Sexy Zone gets to release their next single sometime this summer but if they do not release on August 22nd it means having to wait until the fall for it.

I will only be getting the regular edition of the single personally as I am still boycotting getting the editions with PVs as even though SHE!HER!HER! was an amazing PV I am still not convinced that the KiFt/S-My-2 separation has really gotten much better. It will probably take a couple more releases with PVs that are more balances with their screen time to change my mind but at that point I will probably just wait for a PV collection sometime down the road as I have a hard time justifying getting more than one version of a release without there being different songs on each. Unless the DVD has something really amazing on it, like the SHE!HER!HER! PV.


Smurfette said...

I think they're releasing the single on the same date with AKB48 on purpose. Shake It Up's already quite popular among Johnny and AKB's fans, so when AKB's fans go to the store to buy their album, some of them might grab Kisumai's single too XD

Thennary Nak said...

I did not think of that but that would make sense. I do not know if they will get a lot of crossover between fans but I guess every little bit helps.