
16 June 2012

Kis-My-Ft2 to do Beginners' theme song and some various ramblings

In one of the recent news presses about Fujigaya Taisuke's upcoming drama, Beginners, it was announced that Kis-My-Ft2 would be doing the theme song for it.

Yahoo! News article (Japanese)

I think most fans had figured that Kisumai would be doing the theme song for this drama. Hopefully this will also mean a new single from the group.

For possible release date I still think August 1st would be a good release date for the group and since Kanjani8 needs to release another single before August 8th, as they have the ticket lottery for their free concert that day and fans need both Ai Deshita and whatever this second single will be for it, I feel it is the more likely date. Yet AKS, as far as I know have left August 15th and the 22nd open so those could be possible dates as well. Either way it is looking to be most likely an August single for the group.

Shake it up has been released only as a digital download for Japanese cell phones so I still hope the song gets a physical release, like a B-side on their next single.

Though if a Johnny's group gets to do a song for the Shiritsu Bakaleyda Koukou movie I hope it would be either the Bakaleya6 or Hey! Say! JUMP, as Takaki Yuya has a much larger role in the drama compared to Miyata Toshiya's.

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