
28 May 2012

Sweetz Sexy Zone

Sexy Zone will be getting their first official photo book to be released in August of this year. It will be published by Myojo and is titled Sweetz.

So far there is really only an entree about the photo book out so far to the best of my knowledge and the listing is rather sparse. So there is no mention if it comes with anything special. I will update this post though if any new information comes out.

Honestly I do not know if this is something I would want even though I am finding myself liking the group more than I thought I would. I mean the Hey! Say! JUMP photo book at least had a special DVD with it which made it feel worth getting. But then again I did find TOKIO's first photo book when I was in Japan and love it as a kind of time capsule for the group to look at to see how young they looked back then. And I think for a group like SZ that would be an interesting thing to have when they are older to see how young they were at the start. It would just seem weird to get it now when these photos would still be recent. But I guess it is some time between now and August for me to decide to get this or not.

EDIT: Alright, CDJapan has the listing up for the photo book with more information.

It does not come with anything special but the photos for it will come from photo shoots in Hawaii, their first concert, private shoots and more.

I feel tempted to get this, but it will very much depend on if I have enough money to do so before the pre-order for CDJapan closes in about a week. I do think this will be one of those photo books that will be nice to have years down the road when the boys are older just to look back at how young they were when they started.

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