
02 May 2012

Kis-My-Ft2 to release new concert DVD

So Johnny's/Avex has found a way to make me hate being broke with this release. Because with the LE release of this concert DVD, which is the Tokyo Dome concert of Kis-My-Ft's Kis-My-Mint tour on April 8th of this year, has a bonus CD with unreleased songs from their Junior days on it. In fact the CD has five tracks in total, Hair, Tension, No. 1 Friend, Sennen no Love Song and Ame.

The latter two being the tracks I want the most as Ame is one of my favorite Kisumai songs and Sennen no Love Song was not only their first song to be labeled as theirs but it was a carry over from K.K.K.ity, which two of the original Kisumai members were a part of though only Yokoo Wataru remains. The only song I do not care for on the CD is Hair, but that is only because I already have it with the PLAYZONE album that was released the year Kisumai starred in it. So I just wish they chose another song that had no prior CD release instead as even between the Kis-My-0 disc on their album and this bonus disc there are still a good deal of songs left over from the group's Junior days that are still waiting to be released on CD.

But enough of my griping and on to give more details about the release that comes out on June 20th.

The RE, or Jacket B as Avex likes to separate releases by their cover art, will simply be the concert footage and only have one disc for all 140 minutes of it.

The LE, or Jacket A, on the other hand not only has the one disc for the concert but also another DVD disc with off shoot footage that will be 20 minutes long. Then of course there is the bonus CD that also comes with it which I have already gone into. And there is also a 32 page booklet for this edition not available in the RE.

Kis-My-Mint Tour at Tokyo Dome 2012.4.8 (Title subject to change) [Limited Edition / Jacket A] / Kis-My-Ft2

I really hope that the Jacket A is not so limited so I have a chance to save the money I would need to order it. But I already have a back log of orders I want to make that have to come first so I am already getting ready for the heart break of not being able to.

For those who can afford the LE then I suggest you pick it up and quick. I looks like a must have purchase of Kisumai fans and there is no reason to really get the RE if you are getting the LE.

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