
26 March 2012

Run! Shori! Run!

It has been announced that Sato Shori will be running the Ford Island Bridge Run 10K in Hawaii on April 7th. The rest of Sexy Zone will  be there as well to cheer him on.

This was decided after Johnny Kitagawa saw Shori place first in the marathon on Johnny's Jr. Baseball Tournament earlier in the month.

Tokyohive article. (English)

I wish him the best of luck. I have known people who have run marathons and they usually train months in advance so I hope Shori will be up for it. But I guess as long as he gives it his best effort and does not over do it he should have nothing to be ashamed of no matter how long it takes him to finish. And at least he will have his group mates there to cheer him on.

If anything at least the group gets a bit of a vacation, and in Hawaii no less, and I expect that we will get a photo shoot out of this as well for the group.


Chris said...

Ganbatte Shori!
Nice to read that he gets this opportunity and running in Hawaii is even more great!
It´s also clever of Johnny-san to use this to publish articles about Shori and make him more public.

Myojo definitely will release a Hawaii photoshoot of SZ.

Thennary Nak said...

This is a pretty good PR idea for Shori. Now only for So to have something to promote him in the next month or so and everyone in SZ will be covered.