
19 March 2012

Johnny's Ginza You no Mae ni wa Me ga Iru!

From the end of April to early June Johnny's is taking over the Theater Crea in Tokyo again this year, mainly showcasing some of the newly debuted and other Juniors. Everything is set in blocks of dates and each will feature a different grouping. The concerts are titled Johnny's Ginza You no Mae ni wa Me ga Iru!.

The first grouping is the s-My2 members of Kis-My-Ft2, Senga Kento, Miyata Toshiya, Yokoo Wataru and Nikaido Takashi. They will perform from April 27th to April 30th.

The next is the first group of Kansai Juniors, Fujii Ryusei, Kotaki Nozomu, Takemoto Shinpei, Shingaki Yuto, Mukai Kouji, Kaneuchi Toma, Muro Ryuta and Nakama Junta. They will perform from May 4th to May 6th.

Then A.B.C-Z does a solo group run. They will perform from May 8th to May 10th and May 15th to May 17th.

Between the two solo A.B.C-Z run they will perform with noon boyz for a few days. They will perform from May 11th to May 13th.

After those runs are done it will be A.B.C-Z with Johnny's Juniors for another split run on shows. They will perform from May to May18th 20th and then June 1st to June 3rd.

Breaking up that run will be Uchi Hiroki with Question? They will perform from May 22nd to May 25th and May 29th to May 31st.

And finally during that split run the second group of Kansai Juniors will perform, Kiriyama Akito, Shigeoka Daiki, Kamiyama Tomohiro, Nakama Junta and Hamada Takahiro.They will perform from May 26th to May 28th.

More information can be found on Johnny's net under the Junior concert section.

When I hear about concerts like this I really wish I was back in Japan and could watch them myself. I am so glad s-My-2 get to do something on their own and I am just so happy to see the Kansai Juniors being brought to Tokyo to headline their own performances. I really think this group of Kansai Juniors are being set up for something bigger down the line, which makes me very happy as I love 7WEST and have been hoping for them to get this kind of push from Johnny's


Jackie said...

This year´s Crea shows sound so excting and there are so many people doing it. The only thing I hate about it is that I am not able to watch it live and I don´t think it will be released as DVD either :(
So it´s making me sad that I can´t watch it.
I guess everyone group´s performance must be amazing, I´d like to watch every performance..
The only thing I can do is reading fanreports and reports in magazines.
But the news are exciting indeed!

Thennary Nak said...

I wish there would be a DVD as well, though with all the different performances it would probably cost a bundle.

It is nice that there are fans willing to give concert reports for us who can't go.

Chris said...

YAY for s-My2 and Kansai Junior!
Kiriyama, Shigeoka, Kamiyama , Junta and Hamada ; those boys get together in this kind of constellation quite often recently, especially if it comes to jobs in Tokyo, I noticed.
I am most excited for the members of the first Kansai bunch because there are mostly Juniors who never have been done any jobs in Tokyo before and it´s great to see them finally advancing to Tokyo too.
Thankful to Johnny, who allowed them to come to Tokyo finally too!

Thennary Nak said...

I hope all those Kansai Junior boys get more chances to come to Tokyo as well. Especially as more of them are getting old enough that it should not interfere with school for them.