
20 March 2012

Plan B for FiVe

I never really followed FiVe too much so I do admit being very behind with what was going on with them. But on their New Year concert for 2011-2012 it was announced that Ishigaki Daisuke would be leaving the band and would just be a member of Question? and that the other three members, Nakaegawa Rikiya (vocal & guitar), Uesato Ryota (bass) and Makino Koji (drums), announced that they would be leaving Johnny's.

Those three have now recently announced that they are returning to the music scene as a band called Plan B. They already have lives scheduled and have official youtube and twitter accounts.

Plan B OHP (Japanese)
Plan B official youtube channel (Japanese)

I honestly think if there was any group of ex-Johnny's that could do well it would be this one. They have a built in fanbase that has been around for who knows how many years and they were doing concerts on a rather regular basis for a band that really only existed as a concert backing band. And the venues they were palying at were all rather good sized venues for a band.

Not only that but the fact that Johnny's let them announce the fact they were leaving stands out quite a bit as usually Johnny's tries to be as quiet as possible about such things. But I think with the fact Johnny's does not seem to really care about bands anymore, seeing as there has been no band debut since TOKIO, they will not have to worry too much about being on Johnny's infamous black list. Plus the members of the group have good relations with some of the more senior members of the agency, Tackey & Tsubasa and Shibutani Subaru were listed as witnesses for Rikiya's wedding last year after all, so I can see that they probably do not have to worry about Johnny's interference.

I think I will be keeping my eye on them for now. I do like rock music and from the video they have up they seem to have really good group chemistry. I also love their group name as it makes quite a bit of sense with the band's history. The only thing I need to get hooked is to listen to their music and actually like it. But they have finally made it onto my radar.

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