
25 December 2011

Sexy Zone's debut concerts announced

Well debut concerts have been announced for Sexy Zone, they will have them in Tokyo and in Osaka. The concerts will be in mid-February, so at least they confirm the group being around for yet another month. I'm personally hoping that at these concerts they announce a second single and maybe around that time get their own section on Johnny's net so they are 100% officially confirmed as a debuted group.

The venue they will perform at in Tokyo, the Tokyo International Forum Hall A is actually familiar to me as that was the venue used for the Junior concerts I went to while I was in Japan in 2009. I would say that it's a bit bigger than NHK Hall if my memory serves me right. But I find it oddly poetic that Nakajima Kento and Kikuchi Fuma are having their debut concerts there as that's also the venue they performed for the first time as Nakayama Yuma w/B.I.Shadow and NYC boys at.

I think starting them small like this is a good idea and I think it will make the milestones of moving up to larger venues mean more to the group. I truly expect that in a couple of years they will finally be able to have arena tours as there is a lot of talent with this group and I'm sure over time more and more people will recognize this.

And on a side note I hope everyone who celebrates it is having a merry Christmas. And for those who celebrate other winter holidays I hope you're enjoying those this year.


Ani2 said...

I got really happy for Sexy Zone when I read about their first concert confirmation !
Before I was unsure if they are handled debuted or not but now that a concert is decided, it gives me hope that they´ll continue as a group and get a section on J-Net.
Oh yes, I remember reading your report when you´ve been at this Junior concert in 2009, so it´s the same hall ?
I think it´s nice that they start with smaller venues and with the years get bigger until they will be able to fill people in arenas or even domes in the future.
I really hope we´ll get some new annoucement about a new single.
Too bad I can´t be there...

Jackie said...

Thanks for the news!
Those boys wished to have a concert so much and now it got reality. Congrats to them!

I wonder what songs they´ll sing to fill the time of a concert. Of course their A+B side songs and I also can imagine that members will sing solo as well, like Shori.
I hope there will be news on TV about that concert so we can get a little impression on how it was.
I´m glad that SZ still get pushed. They´ll become supporters for the Highschool Cup and then the concert afterwards; I think it´s a good sign.

Thennary Nak said...

@ Ani2

These concerts, especially since they are being billed as solo concerts, do give them more credence as a debuted group.

Yep, it's the same hall. I even rechecked the ticket I have from it just to make sure I remembered correctly.

I agree, while it must be nice to be able to debut in big venues I think building up to those instead isn't a bad thing at all.

@ Jackie

I have the feeling it will be a bit like HSJ's debut concert and while it will mostly feature SZ there will be a strong Junior presence so they can help fill the void as SZ does have very little in the way of material to perform. I think we will see a good amount of songs for SZ that will be concert only, also like HSJ. And I too see there being solo songs for at least the three oldest members.

There should be some news coverage of the concerts. But I would be more interested to see it get released on DVD eventually.