
15 December 2011

Oricon 2011 charts (Johnny's only)

Well Oricon wrapped up the 2011 sales year at the end of last week and some numbers are out for the CD single and album charts. So like previous years I'll be sharing the list of the Johnny's CDs on them.


*6 *,625,935 Lotus / 嵐 11/02/23
*7 *,614,131 迷宮ラブソング / 嵐 11/11/02
10 *,441,680 Everybody Go / Kis-My-Ft2 11/08/10
15 *,297,781 OVER / Hey! Say! JUMP / 11/06/29
19 *,257,932 T.W.L/イエローパンジーストリート / 関ジャニ∞ 11/04/20
21 *,254,171 Magic Power / Hey! Say! JUMP / 11/09/21
23 *,241,630 Eternal / 赤西仁 11/03/02
30 *,211,908 Sexy Zone / Sexy Zone 11/11/16
31 *,210,749 ULTIMATE WHEELS / KAT-TUN 11/02/02
32 *,209,871 BIRTH / KAT-TUN 11/11/30
36 *,190,942 マイホーム / 関ジャニ∞ 11/05/11
38 *,188,555 「ありがとう」~世界のどこにいても~ / Hey! Say! JUMP 10/12/15
39 *,186,571 ツブサニコイ / 関ジャニ∞ 11/08/17
40 *,185,395 365日家族 / 関ジャニ∞ 11/06/08
43 *,179,296 RUN FOR YOU / KAT-TUN 11/08/03
45 *,174,332 WHITE / KAT-TUN 11/05/18
47 *,171,068 Time / KinKi Kids 11/06/15
48 *,151,056 ユメタマゴ / NYC 11/03/09
68 *,111,523 縁を結いて / 堂本剛 11/04/06
70 *,108,282 青いベンチ / テゴマス 11/02/16
83 *,*89,498 はだかんぼー / 山下智久 11/01/19
86 *,*88,964 Nijiの詩 / 堂本剛 11/09/07
94 *,*82,792 Sexy. Honey. Bunny!/タカラノイシ / V6 11/08/24


*1 *,907,589 Beautiful World / 嵐 11/07/06
*9 *,413,943 SMAP AID / SMAP 11/08/17
21 *,286,537 FIGHT / 関ジャニ∞ 11/11/16
32 *,206,915 A.N.JELL WITH TBS系連続ドラマ「美男ですね」MUSIC COLLECTION / A.N.JELL 11/10/05
38 *,175,759  K album / KinKi Kids 11/11/09 
47 *,135,404 SUPERGOOD, SUPERBAD / 山下智久 11/01/26
55 *,108,602 TEST DRIVE featuring JASON DERULO / JIN AKANISHI 11/12/07
83 *,*75,697 テゴマスのまほう / テゴマス 11/10/19
94 *,*70,909 僕の見ている風景 / 嵐 10/08/04


Ani2 said...

I thought that OVER sold that good because people wanted to buy the last single with Ryutaro and there were lots of extras as well, but it surprised me in a positive way how JUMP were able to keep the high level of sales for Magic Power too.
Kisumais debut single sold pretty amazing !
A bit sad is that Takki and Tsubasa didnt get on the list.

Chris said...

AKB family really made it hard for Johnnys this year and I think it will continue being the same in 2012 too :(
It´s already difficult for Johnny´s to find a perfect release date, because of all the AKB subgroups and sister groups floating around.
But all Johnny´s groups did their best and I´m proud of them!
Let´shope that next year will be an even better year for Johnnys!

Thennary Nak said...

@ Ani2

I think having the three editions really helped with those singles, but seeing as OVER sold more I think the want to support Ryutaro did help with that one.

I'm so happy Kisumai managed to get into the top 10 at the end of the year. And they're set to be number 1 for the new year on the Oricon with this new single if only until the next SKE48 single comes out in a month or so.

Seeing some of the Johnny's groups not chart is a bit sad, but I guess when you have a many groups like Johnny's does they all can't be big hits all the time.

@ Chris

Well that's how things go. I think it's more amazing that even though a lot of groups and artists come and go Johnny's always has at least one group that does really well every year and has done so for about 20 years now.

I personally think it's more important for fans to enjoy the songs they release than to worry about getting #1 all the time. Though Johnny's of course has other ideas about that.

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