
28 November 2012

Q&A Month! (2012): Question 8

Decided to take a bit of a break yesterday as I had RL stuff to take care of. I cannot believe this year is almost at the end. Where did it go?

Talking about time passing quickly, only a couple more days before the end of the month and the period for accepting questions end for this Q&A Month. If you want to get a question in for me to answer make sure you do so in this post.

This question is the second one from kawaii:

who are your favourite juniors??

While there are plenty of Juniors that I like I think the place of favorite has to go to the ones that I continuously look forward to seeing. And with the current state of the Juniors those Juniors are conveniently all in one group, the Bakaleya6. Of course before they were grouped together I liked them all and most would have fallen into my favorite Junior list. 

Being a long time Hey! Say! JUMP fan it was hard not to know about Morimoto Shintaro because of his older brother having been in the group until about a year ago. Though I think it was his starring in the Snow Prince movie and his CD release with Snow Prince Gasshodan that made me really start paying attention to him outside of his frequent association with his brother.

Since Kyomoto Taiga was a part of the same grouping as the younger members of HSJ during their Juniors days I knew of him for some time before he really caught my interest. For him though it was his duets with Uekusa Yuta. I know there are those that do like his voice but I enjoy it but I can understand how others may not because it does not have the kind of tone that is typically considered pleasant. 

Matsumura Hokuto was one of the few Juniors I found myself being an immediate fan of. And I have loved to seeing him finally find his niche with his acting after being overshadowed by Nakajima Kento and Kikuchi Fuma when he was in B.I.Shadow.

I have the tendency to like underdogs so Kochi Yugo fits that well. I think he is one of the members that still have a good deal of potential to be discovered and I eagerly await for when he figures out what he can bring to the group. 

I have liked both Tanaka Juri and Lewis Jesse since I learned a bit about them when Hip Hop Jump was first formed. They were both rather adorable back then and it is amazing to see how much they have grown since. Juri seems to have that soft side of him that his older brother has but does not seem to try to hide it as much. And Jesse has a nice voice that is easy to listen to works well to help balance Taiga's. 

And then the members of B.A.D. are probably just high enough to be on the list now as I am really impressed with how they have been dealing with their role as the leaders of the Kansai Juniors. Kiriyama Akito especially. Of course I have had always had a soft spot for them from their roles in Gokusen 3 and it has never completely gone away.

After all that said I also do find that Sanada Yuma kinda hovers close to being on the list as well. And the fresher Juniors are starting to get my attention to but none are quite up there enough to be on my favorite list just yet.

(And to note I am not counting Nakayama Yuma as a Junior because he has debuted so many times I think it is safe to say that one of those has stuck.)

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