
31 October 2012

Q&A Month! (2012)

Like last year I am going to do a Q&A month for the month of November. This time it is more to help me move out of my current rut and get myself back on task with blogging. Though the fact that I liked doing it last year and was pretty happy with answering all the questions given to me.

Again as long as the question is about Johnny's, or at least Japanese idols (Korean idols would be fine but I do not follow many), I am game for trying to give an answer. Since I no longer have a more personal blog off topic questions are not likely to be answered this time around.

You have to leave your question here in this post if you want me to answer it.

The period of time I will have for leaving questions this time around will just be from the time this post goes up to the end of November. And I will make sure that I will answer all questions before the end of the year.

There's no limit on how many questions you can ask. If you do ask more than one question though I will not answer them all in order, instead I will answer one then answer at least one more from someone else before going back to answer the next question from you. And if you think of a question later on in the month that you did not ask with a previous question feel free to still go ahead and ask away as long as it is in the allotted timeframe.

So with all of that said, please feel free to go ahead and ask away.


JJ said...

Hi! When Johnny's boys get into trouble (or when Johnny's men like Akasaka-san get into trouble), the general reaction is often to drop them entirely rather than to try to keep them in the organization and try to find them some help. Is that just an American reaction I am having that something more should be done, or is JE just really cruel? Or is it just part of Japanese culture? Thoughts, please.

Anonymous said...

for next FIVB group, is it possible for bakaleya6? which jr do you think will get chance??

Anonymous said...

do you think JE will ever paid attention to what the fans think about the 3/4 split in Kisumai? do you think Kisumai cares about this? There are really complains in japan about this ?

Anonymous said...

What non JE group do you want to listen to but just never have for any reason.

kawaii said...

i wanna ask about jr life. do you think jr tachi get paid for concert,photo magazine & shokura? or jr tachi must spend fee for dance lesson?? just curious...
who are your favourite juniors??

AJ said...

Thank you for providing a space for us to ask questions. Homosexuality in Japan seems to have adopted a Western-style prejudice, unlike historical Japan, in which samurai often had young boyfriends as companions in and out of bed. I remember Subaru Shibutani getting in trouble when he agreed to do a gay scene in an early drama (suggested sex only--it was a family drama). Are there now or have there ever been any Johnny's talents who were gay? Would that be a total career ender if one of them ever "came out"?

Kokochan said...

What do you think about the ability to be debuted of Bakaleya6?

Anonymous said...

after reading kokochan comment,i think i also wanna ask about bakaleya6 ^^
from internet there is rumour about bakaleya6 just for drama and not to long periode. thats why jimusho doesnt give them official name. what do you think about it? some fans say that because in december photoshoot magz there is no group photo anymore...
i really dissapointed if this is true because i like 6 of them so much ^^
is it enough fact to judge bakaleya will disband because some photo magazine they are not together anymore? and if i think again, why doesnt jimusho give them official name if agency think about debut them like kattun or kisumai?

Anonymous said...

What do you think of HSJ Jump World DVD first week sale? i don't follow this group very much but the number seems to be on the low side for them? it's lower than their Summary con DVD. given the increase in their recent single sales. i was expecting them to do better. much better actually.

Anonymous said...

how do you think will NEWS fare from now on? after chankapaana and starting with world quest/pokoponpekorya.

Anonymous said...

what do you think about snow man?
i like them so much but i think this group rare to get perform in shokura or magazine. lately they are in magz because bakaleya movie but i think jimusho not really push this group. do you think they'll debut although in long time like kisumai. or they end become jimusho dance group like mad??

Unknown said...

what do you think about Kisumai variety shows? Kisuhama learning and Kisumai Busaiku? do you think the last one will be a regular show?

Faye said...

Johnny's groups are increasing to an unprecedented number. Instead of dropping older groups when they reach a certain age, the organization keeps them and then adds more and more younger groups. Do you think the organization is spreading itself too thinly? Seems as if they can't give enough attention to them all (concerts, DVD and album releases) since there are too many for which to care and promote. Will the organization implode at some point? Do you think there should be an age limit on the groups Johnny's should manage?

Anonymous said...

What do you think is the likelihood of Yamada would leave Hey! Say! JUMP ? I just wanted to hear your opinion since the whole fandom believes so

keiko said...

Arigatou for opportunity to ask question. It is difficult for those of us now living outside Japan to determine rankings of popularity. This based on cd sales, dvd sales, concert funds or ticket sales, etc. Of the debuted Johnny groups, as of end of 2012, can you give guess as to most popular down to least popular?