
29 October 2012

Other Idols Master Post 001

Since it seems the Master Post thing is going well I am adding one more, this one for the other idols that do not fit under Johnny's or AKS.

Unfortunately I do have a member leaving news for this post. But honestly this was probably a long time coming. Happiness/E-Girls member MIMU, will be withdrawing from the groups. She had been on leave for a while because of academic reasons, the rumor being that her grades were suffering so her parents made her stop activities to fix that. So having this announcement is not a great blow as it was always very iffy what her future would be, especially as she was only one of the dancers for the group, not one of the two vocalists.

Oricon Style article (Japanese)

In much happier news rookie idol group, Love La Doll, will be releasing a new single on November 7th. The title of the single is Honey Bee which is produced by Armyslick, who has produced for K-pop idol group KARA. This will be the group's second single after debuting with their first single back in August.

Honey Bee / Love La Doll
Love La Doll


Chiima said...


I love you, you know that? I adore this song too, they released their dance version for it >3<

SQUEE!!!!!!!!! <33333

Thennary Nak said...

Honestly I was surprised to see the announcement as I do check their OHP on a semi-regular basis and this is so close to the release date. But I am happy about the news as I have been enjoying their debut single and can't wait to get this one.

I was disappointed about it not being on their debut single but waiting to release it as their next single explains why. I hope the B-side will be as good as FRIDAY☆NIGHT.