
26 October 2012


It has been announced that NEWS will be doing the image song for the NTV coverage of the FIFA Club World Champion 2012. The title of the song will be WORLD QUEST.

Sanspo article (Japanese)

Still no concrete news about the single that is supposed to be coming from the group but it is probably safe to say that this song is probably going to be on it.

The championship will be in December and I have the feeling that will be the month we will get a new single from NEWS, as most of the other Johnny's groups will have releases close enough to the month that it would be too soon for something new or be busy with other activities. NEWS does not have those issues and if WORLD QUEST ends up being the A-side having it released around the time of the championship just makes sense.

I watched the first episode of the drama Hana no Zubora-Meshi and got to hear more of Pekoponpekorya, and it is a cute and fun sounding song. Yet it is not the kind of song I would expect to be an A-side track as it does not sound as strong as Chankapaana. So I was hoping that there would be another song to be the A-side of their upcoming single and have Pekopon either be on it as a double A-side or a B-side with a tie-in.

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