
14 November 2012

Tamamori is a French time traveling chef, really

It has been announced that Tamamori Yuta will be starring in a drama this coming winter season. The drama is based off the manga series Nobunaga no Chef, which has a French chef, named Ken, be transported in time to the Sengoku period of Japan to become the chef of historical figure, Oda Nobunaga.

The drama will air of TBS on Friday nights at 11:15 starting in January.

Tokyograph article (English)

This is a pretty ridiculous set up for a drama so I am not sure if I can say that I am in or not for giving it a chance. Being very likely to be a comedy is a plus for me but I think I will have to see the first episode to see if it is something I would actually enjoy.

On the other hand a big congrats to Tamamori for getting a solo lead role. It really was only a matter of time with how he has been pushed by the agency as an actor for Kis-My-Ft2. And I think a more light hearted drama is a good way to go for a young actor to be the lead of. And hey, maybe we can see some of his onion cooking resurface. Or not, but I would love the writers of this drama forever if they could work that in somehow.

Also I think this assures us that Kisumai will have a new single early in 2013. I would be shocked if the group did not do the theme song for the drama and if they are doing a drama tie-in then I am sure we will get a single out of it. So it looks like Kisumai fans will have something to look forward to already for next year.

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