
13 November 2012

Q&A Month! (2012): Question 3

So glad I did go ahead with Q&A this month so I can stop myself from getting too lazy with posts this month. Also it is always nice to know what other fans are interested in and want to read about. It helps with figuring out what I should write about for not only my blog but also for Idol Minded.

So if you have a question that you want me to try to answer please feel free to ask it on this post and I should be able to get around to it sometime this month.

This question comes from an Anonymous poster:

do you think JE will ever paid attention to what the fans think about the 3/4 split in Kisumai? do you think Kisumai cares about this? There are really complains in japan about this ?

I do not think Johnny's will change the 3/4 split anytime soon even if they know that there are fans unhappy about it. And it just boils down to the fact that the group has been successful and is one of the stronger selling groups so an unhappy portion of the fans is not enough to make them change their minds. And the 3/4 is weakening a little with Miyata Toshiya and Senga Kento starting to get a little more attention than before, even though they are still well behind the other three.

But it is all going to depend on getting breaks and how they help bring in fans of the s-My-2 members. If they start getting popular among fans, like having their concert merchandise and such start selling strongly, Johnny's will notice and start shifting to include them more, or at least whatever member is rising in popularity.

Miyata makes sure people notice him. Senga, not so much.
I am sure this is affecting the members. Hopefully though they are trying to make it into a positive, like for s-My-2 taking it as a challenge to try harder to stand out. In fact I think at least Miyata is very much going down this path as he seems willing to put himself out there when given the chance, which when you are not a front member is an important thing to do if you want to be noticed. I mean if you look at the recent appearance of the group on Music Station Miyata made most of being on camera and made sure Senga joined with him for waving at the camera to be noticed.

Of course I doubt they will let on much if this split is causing a rift of anything like that. Perhaps years from now when it is no longer an issue, hopefully, it will be brought up. Until then we only have speculation for the most part.

I am sure there are Japanese fans that complain just as much and as bitterly as English language fans. This split was a dramatic shift when the group debuted and I doubt the pre-debut Japanese fans were any happier about it than the English language fans. Especially those who are fans of any of s-My-2. But even if you are a fan in Japan you have little say in how a group is managed.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

It´s hard to say what will happen with just a year from the debut and as long as the split sells they are staying like that.
I´m a pre debut fan, in fact I fallow Taipi, mitsu and yoko since K.k.Kitty. Since the beggining the only ones that took the Mc´s were Taipi and Mitsu maybe the split has to do not only with popularity but also with how the boys manage in and out stage.
there was a first split with Mitsu,Yoko and Taipi when the new Kis My Ft2 was formed after that the focus remained in Taipi and Mitsu changing from time to time to another but Taipi and Mitsu are the soul and bases of Kis My Ft2 and I can not blame them They work hard for this. the adition was Tama-chan took every opportunity he was given . honestly, I can´t say the same with the rest.
They need to work hard and for instance act a little more silly in kisuhama learning !!! sadly the split is a fact