
21 November 2012

Q&A Month! (2012): Question 4

Figured I should get around to answering a few questions now before the month ends as they are beginning to pile up now. That makes me quite happy as I do enjoy answering these.

The deadline for questions is of course the end of this month, so if you have something you want me to try to answer make sure you leave it in this post.

This question comes from an anonymous reader:

What non JE group do you want to listen to but just never have for any reason.

Honestly most of what I want to listen to but have not tend to be older J-pop/rock songs. Like I would love to listen to more of the popular Japanese music of the pre-CD era but of course for those not in Japan it is really hard to find music from that era in a format you can easily listen to.

I am interested in these oldies because I feel like I am missing a part of the greater picture of Japanese popular music by not being very familiar with the artists that many in Japan grew up with or know the songs that are just suspected that you would be familiar with. I think I would come to know and understand J-pop much more and understand their trends, kinda like I can look back and see the trends in music for the U.S. because I am familiar with so much of the music from previous eras just by living in the country.

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