
03 September 2011

I Return! And begin catching up with Kis-My-Ft2 news.

Okay, I finally have reliable internet access so I'll be posting again finally. I'll probably have to take a short break in about a week as I go back home as I need to drive about 2,500 miles to do so. But thank you for everyone who left a comment on the last post, I really appreciated finding them when I was able to get back online again.

And to kick off my catching up with the news I missed while I was offline I was extremely happy to learn about Kis-My-Ft2's plans for touring in 2012.

During the first half of the year they will embark on an Asia Tour which will take them to the countries of, South Korea, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Thailand and Singapore. Then during the second half of the year they will embark on a national tour. This tour will have them performing two concerts in each of Japan's 47 prefectures for a total of 97 concerts. This will be the biggest national tour for a Johnny's act.
Tokyo Graph article. (English only)

This is pretty amazing for a recently debuted group but honestly it's not something I'm too surprised about. All the members are adults and most aren't in school anymore and I had a feeling that having them tour with KAT-TUN in their last Asian tour was to promote them so if they did debut they could do an Asian tour themselves in a relatively short amount of time. So I think the 47 prefecture national tour is more surprising.

I know Kanjani8 did a similar tour a few years ago where they performed in all 47 prefectures but as they aren't mentioned then I can only assume they didn't perform nearly as many concerts.

I just hope they continue to release CDs on a somewhat regular schedule. As much as I enjoy their debut single and await their concert DVDs I really want to be able to expand my Kisumai collection when it comes to physical releases.


Anonymous said...

Actually, Kanjani8 did 113 shows.

Chris said...

Yay, welcome back XD

Kisumai really do get lots of pushing right now and next year as well. It makes me really glad !
I also expected them to do an Asia Tour in the nearer future, because their singles were sold in Asian counties as well. And of course, they experienced touring with KAT-TUN.
I´m excited for that upcoming DVD but I hope they´ll release a sinlge soon, too.

Jackie said...

Hello, nice to read your posts again !!

I heard that YokoHina complained in their radio show that Kisumai broke their record of concerts in a year or so.
Me too, I´m much more surprised about that huge amount of concerts they´ll hold in Japan. Don´t you think their schedule for next year is really tiring? And I´m sure, they will release some singles as well and who knows,.. maybe a new drama again?!
But their debut was really successful so they deserve to have an awesome year 2012.
*waiting for a new single to come out soon*

Jackie said...

Ah sorry,

"I heard that YokoHina complained in their radio show that Kisumai broke their record of concerts in a year or so. "

Of course I mean, Kisumai are going to break Kanjani8´s record

Thennary Nak said...

@ Anonymous

I guess that explains why they didn't mention their tour, as it wouldn't have sounded as impressive.

@ Chris

Glad to be back. ^__^

I'm really happy about all the promotion as well. And you're right that the singles being released in other Asian countries was also a good indicator of having an Asian tour sooner rather than later.

I really want a new single as well. Hopefully around the time the DVDs release we'll get an announcement, or maybe at the Summary Dome concert as Fujigaya and Tamamori will be there and could announce it.

@ Jackie

That sounds like them. XD

I have the feeling that next year will be really busy for them. Though as I mentioned most don't have any other obligations but work so I think they can pull it off. Though I do hope they get to rest a bit in 2013 then.