
09 September 2011

Upcoming release for October

Going to be doing double posts for the next couple of days to catch up as news won't stop coming in. This post will catch up with the recent announcements of new releases and tomorrow, barring anymore new news, I will begin one of the projects I mentioned I would be working on during my hiatus. I hope this one will take me to about the end of this year as I'll be posting an entry for it every Saturday.

First up is the upcoming concert DVD release from Kis-My-Ft2. The DVDs are for two different concerts, one pre-debut and the other post-debut, that can be bought separately or together. Considering most concert DVDs fall between 4000-5000 yen the prices for these are actually rather good and hopefully makes it more affordable for fans. It will be released on October 26th.

Kis-My-Ft ni Aeru de Show vol.3 at Kokuritsu Yoyogi Daiichi Taiikukan 2011.2.12/Kis-My-Ft2 Debut Tour 2011 Everybody Go at Yokohama Arena 2011.7.31 (Title subject to change) [Limited Edition / Jacket A] / Kis-My-Ft2

Kis-My-Ft ni Aeru de Show vol.3 at Kokuritsu Yoyogi Daiichi Taiikukan 2011.2.12 (Title subject to change) / Kis-My-Ft2

Kis-My-Ft2 Debut Tour 2011 Everybody Go at Yokohama Arena 2011.7.31 (Title subject to change) / Kis-My-Ft2

With all the times A.N.JELL has gone on Coming Soon to perform the songs from the drama it comes as no surprise there will be a special release for them. It comes in the form of the OST CD which will be two discs for both versions with the songs used in the drama on one disc and the soundtrack music on the other.

The LE comes with a DVD that has a PV for one of the songs while the RE comes with varient covers based on the album covers of the group before it added its fourth member. It comes out on October 5th.

A.N.JELL with TBS "You're Beautiful (Ikemen Desune)" Music Collection [Cardboard Sleeve] [w/ DVD, Limited Edition / Jacket A] / A.N.JELL

A.N.JELL with TBS "You're Beautiful (Ikemen Desune)" Music Collection [Regular Edition / Jacket B] / A.N.JELL

I was honestly expecting another single from Tegomass so I was surprised to find out the next release from them will be a full album. The album will release on October 19th.

The LE has a bonus DVD with a PV for the song Maho no Melody as well as a special interview. The RE comes with three bonus tracks, two of them are the coupling songs that were on the Swedish version of the Tanabata Matsuri single.

Tegomass no Maho [w/ DVD, Limited Edition] / Tegomass (Tegomasu)

Tegomass no Maho [Regular Edition] / Tegomass (Tegomasu)

It looks like October is going to be an expensive month and I'm sure release announcements aren't even done yet for the month.

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