
06 October 2011

Takizawa Kakumei 2012 announced.

Takizawa Hideaki's now traditional New Year's musical, Takizawa Kakumei, has been announced for 2012. Like the previous ones it will run for the month of January kicking off with the first production on January 1st at the Imperial Theatre.

What's probably most notable about this year's production is not so much which Juniors will be a part of it but which won't. Even more specifically the fact only one member of A.B.C-Z will be in the production, Totsuka Shota. A.B.C-Z have been a mainstay of the productions Tackey has done so to have most of the group missing is good reason to speculate that something may be going on with the group. With the past announcement of a planned debut and the upcoming solo concert for them I wouldn't be surprised if this just might be another sign Johnny's is going to begin to push them like they did Kis-My-Ft2, as they stopped being supporters in productions for the most part in the year or so leading up to their debut so they could do other things, namely their nationwide tours. But at the moment it's early speculation and there could be other reasons but it's hard for me to shake off the debut comment for A.B.C-Z even in light of the recently announced Sexy Zone debut.

On another note I am happy to see Nakayama Yuma returning to be a part of the production again. Between this and PLAYZONE he's racking up the stage experience and it's good to see him busy at work. I would love to see him get back to drama acting again but I'm still pleased he's at least still actively working.


Anonymous said...

Sorry but shouldn't it be Takizawa Kakumei instead of Kabuki? It's weird that all of ABCZ won't be in it. Sanada and Nozawa aren't in it either..maybe because of their show? I really hope the rest of ABCZ will have activities too.

Thennary Nak said...

It should, I actually had the right one written first but at the last minute second guessed myself and put the wrong one up. Thank you for the speedy correction.

I forgot about Sanada and Nozawa being missing too. It could be because of their show for them though.

If it's only Totsuka because Johnny's is actually preparing the group for debut I'm sure the rest aren't in it because they have something else they will be doing. But I think we're going to have to wait for the A.B.C-Z solo con for more information about what's been planned for the group.

Ani2 said...

Thanks for the information ! Seems like Takizawa Kakumei is going to be a regular show in January.
Oh but shouldn´t it be 2012? I think you did a typing mistake ;)

So it´s only Totsuka Shota? It surprises me because ABC-Z always did activities together and I also could imagine that the others are preparing or doing something else regarding their debut.
So next year could become interesting.
Nozawa and Sanada are also not there but since they are doing recntly so many ativities just the two of them,´it´s not much of a surprise.

But Yuma joins again, I think it´s really great for Yuma. He´s been in Playzone and Takizawa Kakumei already since last year and I´m sure JE plan him to continue appearing in stageplays .
I borrowed the T.Kakumei DVD from a friend of mine and even though Yuma was not perfect, but he really convinced me with his abilities, especially his acting .
I´m not following his activities a lot, but if I get a chance to see him on DVD or other shared videos, he always has this atmosphere around him which I can´t describe well. I think it is amazing that he can transport this atmosphere or aura of him just though videos.
So I also hope like you that we will get to see Nakayama Yuma in a drama soon, since I notice lot of talent in his acting abilities.

Chris said...

Now I´m really curious about the other 4 members of ABCZ. There really must be going on something.
I hope Johnnys will announce something soon what the others will be doing in January

Anonymous said...

Nissei Theatre?! Did they change the location? Because they used to perform it always at Imperial Theatre.

Thennary Nak said...

@ Ani2

Thank you for catching that. I don't think I've ever made so many mistakes in a post before so I'm glad people were able to catch them.

I wonder if maybe Yuma doing all these musicals is to help him develop skill in singing and dancing. It's not a bad way to do so, IMHO, and having talented senpai like Tacky and Tsubasa with him probably helps quite a bit for that.

He does have good stage presence which is a key talent to have for any performer, IMHO. I think it's that with his acting that has helped get him to where he is now with the agency.

@ Chris

Me too. It looks like 2012 just might be A.B.C-Z's year after all.

@ Anonymous

You're right. I double checked and I think I might have gotten Nissay from when I originally confused Kakumei with Takizawa Kabuki.