
28 October 2011

Kansai Jr. X'mas concert dates announced.

The dates for the X'mas concerts which seems to have become an annual thing for the Kansai Juniors have been announced finally. There will be two versions of the concerts, one featuring 7WEST and the other featuring B.A.D. and Hamada Takahiro with Veteran. The dates for 7WEST's are December 3-4,10-12, 17-19 & 24-25. B.A.D. and Hamada Takahiro with Veteran then have December 5-8, 13-15 & 20-22.

I think after the bad year most Kansai Junior fans have had, with quite a few of the older more established Kansai Juniors leaving, this is some good news for the end of the year. 

I really hope we get to see more of the Kansai Juniors. Nakayama Yuma seems to be stuck with musicals, which isn't terrible except when it comes to foreign fans it gets a bit hard to see much of him. Having Shounentachi again this year was nice, especially as some of them got to go to Tokyo for their run of it. But I, like other fans of Kansai Juniors would like to see them do more and hope that more don't leave.


Ani2 said...

Finally the announcement came after all. I´m very happy that they continue having their X-mas concerts, but I was a bit surprised that Nakayama Yuma´s name hasn´t been listed there. I can´t remember well but wasn´t he there last year ?
I could imagine that he has no time bcause of rehearsals for his stage show with Takkey .

I love Kansai Jrs and I´m happy about them having their annual concerts again but it´s a bit sad that I never can´t visit them.
Sometimes it´s hard to be a foreign fan.

Karina said...

Hehe, you meant Nakayama Yuma and not Nakajima, didn´t you? XD

Yeah, this year so many Kanju left the agency, it´s very sad. The more I´m glad to see that they get active in winter again.
Hopefully no one will leave next year..

Chris said...

Too bad I can´t fly to Japan because their concerts must be so fun to watch !
I would like to see both concerts, the one of 7West and BAD, Hamada and Veteran.
I just wish Kansai Juniors would get more TV exposure as well but I´m already grateful that they´re having their own concerts regularly.

It´s a pity that Yuuma is "only" doing stageplays at the moment .
Of course he´s nice to watch in stageplays but even though I´m not a big fan, I would want to see him doing something else too like a new NYC single or even a drama.
I hope Johnny´s won´t let Yuma being stuck in stageplays only. He can do more!

Thennary Nak said...

@ Ani2

I don't think he was there last year but I can't say for certain. I would assume that he's too busy with rehearsals.

That's the pain all foreign fans must face. Unless they are lucky enough to afford to go to Japan for these kinds of things.

@ Karina

Yes I did, thanks for the catch. ^__^;;

It would seem too sad for another well known Kanju to leave any time soon. It's frustrating as these boys definitely have talent but they seem to be stuck under a glass ceiling when it comes to advancing in their careers.

@ Chris

They do seem to be getting a bit more exposure outside of Kansai this past year but I would still love to see more.

I'm sure there are plans for Yuma, he's still getting featured a lot so there has to be something. Unfortunately as fans we're always stuck in the dark about these things.