
24 October 2011

Juniors to get the SMAP-bump

It has been announced that SMAP x SMAP will be adding a new corner to the show that will involve the Juniors. The corner will be called Ganbare Johnny's! and start on October 31st. SMAP will be divided into two teams, Kimura & Kusanagi and Inagaki & Katori and will team up with Juniors and according to the announcement new units to compete in games and challenges against each other. It mentions that CD debuts are on the line but gives no further information about that.

SMAP x SMAP OHP. (Japanese)

This is really a smart move when it comes to promoting Juniors that the agency is thinking of debut. SMAP x SMAP is a highly rated program so it would be easy to get the general Japanese public to learn about these potential members of a new group. I am curious to what exactly "new unit" means. It could mean new Junior units but on the other hand it could be talking about the newly debut units of Kis-My-Ft2 and Sexy Zone (the later still having yet to debut technically but still close enough). I think it would be wise to have at SZ a part of this so people can get to know them better as they're going to need all the help they can get right now with promotion as so many of them are really fresh Juniors. But I guess it's something that needs to be clarified when the first segment airs and should be.

For the CD debut line I wouldn't get too excited. It says so very little about it and it could just be simply for a one-shot debut, which could lead to something more or nothing as it has in the past for Juniors. I think it's probably better to wait until the first segment airs at it should clear it all up.

I'm really curious to which Juniors are going to be a part of this. For any of them this is a big chance for them to start getting known and on their way to a potential career debut if they get popular enough. I'm not sure is SMAP fans will be happy to see Juniors on the program but it's not like they're replacing SMAP with them and I personally love see interaction between the generations within Johnny's and I can't imagine anyone better to help the next generation than a group that has defined the agency itself.


Jackie said...

Wow it´s awesome!
Since I love Juniors, I´m glad that they are going to become more exposure through SMAP and that we´ll get to see Juniors even more on TV.
"New units", I think they mean SZ and I guess JE uses SMAP to rise their popularity and they really need it since the members are quite unknown in Japan ( at least Kento is more known though his dramas).
I´m so excited to see this show!

Misa said...

Ooooh, this makes me sooo happy and excited XDD
Hope to see Taigatachi there, Hokuto and Yugo, ABC-Z etc. and Sexy Zone and Kisumai XD
Ahh, this show sounds so good!
I´m looking forward to see if we´ll get new Junior units as well !!
And really?? Possibility to debut?? Oh my, have to check this out for sure XDD

Chris said...

I´m excited like probably everyone here!
I can´t wait to see SMAP-Juniors interaction, it must be fun to watch.
Though I´m not sure about that debut thing, but we´ll find out more about it soon I think.
"New unit" couldalso be "Noon Boyz" , the unit of Nozawa and Sanada, but when I heard first about this show , I immediately thought of Sexy Zone and how Johnnys want to make them more known with the help of SMAP.

Now I wonder which Juniors will attend this show. Always the same Juniors? Or will they change?
so yeah, I´m totally excited!

Thennary Nak said...

@ Jackie

So am I. While having their own programs is good and all being a part of a show like this can be even better when it comes to getting promoted.

I think once the episode airs everything will be made clear. It's just a pity they couldn't do that before as I really want to know now.

@ Misa

I'm really hoping all of those appear on the show too. Especially Taigatachi, Hokuto and Yugo. (Though if Yugo is still injured he may not be able to.)

Well it just says CD debut so it could be just a one shot debut. Especially since major debut is getting attached to the debut of groups like Kisumai and SZ.

@ Chris

I'm kinda weary about the CD debut thing myself but we'll have to wait for more information.

I didn't think about that but I guess that could be a possibility as well.

I really wish they would have said more about this new segment as there are so many questions that have no answers yet.

Oza said...

Based on the previous SMAP and jrs eps, I have the feelings that the juniors appearing in this are just HHJ, JapaHi, MoriShin again '__' There's no way they can put all of jrs in the show and let them compete. If they do, the older jrs like Ebi and MSM will win easily.

Thennary Nak said...

I'm thinking it'll be the younger Juniors as well. But they might mix in a few of the older ones and put them against each other to keep it as fair as they can get.