
01 November 2009

2/3 of NEWS to be a part of a variety show

It was recently announced that 2/3rds of NEWS, Koyama Keiichirou, Kato Shigeaki, Masuda Takahisa and Tegoshi Yuya will have a regular segoment on a new variety program titled Soukon. Their segment will feature them having to do various running goals and they will also be planting trees as they earn points from these goals as a part of Lawson's green project.

Yomiuri online article. (Japanese only)

As a NEWS fan I'm pretty excited about this, even though I'm not sure how interesting it will be to see these four run every week. But I guess if they change things up enough it could be interesting. And in one of the articles about the program Shige mentions that he would like to run a big marathon, so it would be interesting to see if they can reach that goal, as marathons are something you need to train hard for. I guess we don't have to worry much about these four not being in shape for a while.


Kevin said...

hahahaha yesss!!
My 4 favorites of the group!!!!

I guess Yamapi is doing his solo thing and Ryo has Kanjani8 but I'm really happy that ALL four of them get to be there. Very excited ^^

No more new music from them for the year I guess...but this is nice too :D

Thennary Nak said...

Yea, I just have the feeling that this might be the closest we'll get to the full group being a part of a variety program. Yamapi and Ryo are just too busy.

I'm hoping that we'll still get a single from NEWS this year. The announcements for the December releases are just beginning.