
17 November 2009

Code Blue season 2 officially confirmed & buying cds in Japan before the release date

The Fuji TV website has updated its Code Blue page to announce that the series will indeed be getting a 2nd season that will air for the winter drama season. It also confirms that most of the cast will be returning, which includes Yamapi, and mentions that it will on Monday nights instead of Thursday nights like the first season did.

Fuji TV Code Blue website. (Japanese only)

Also as a quick note, Yamapi's solo concerts have been expanded to now include shows in Osaka on January 6th & 7th. Johnny's net has the information up.

Now onto the other not so Yamapi related topic of this post. I've seen it mentioned every now and again in various conversations when it comes to new releases and I figured I would weigh in about the actual day releases come out. Now this is only for cds and DVDs for what I've seen, other media like books and magazines from what I've seen come out on the day they are posted to come out.

As most can figure out by looking at release dates officially Japanese cds & DVDs come out on Wednesday unless it's a special release of some sort. But if you follow the Oricon chart you see that the first day of sales that's counted is Tuesday. These sales numbers come from two things, pre-orders and people buying the cd/DVD that day. Because even though the official release date is on a Wednesday most stores will have the new releases out on Tuesday. And in the case of holidays they can be put out much sooner than that. In fact the releases for the week long holidays in Japan tend to get put out on store shelves almost a week before their release date.

So some of the 'early' leaks that you find on the internet sometimes are just from people who had picked up the cd/DVD the day the stores put it out to sell. And in that sense I have a bit of an early look at a release that doesn't officially come out until tomorrow...

I was able to pick up Yamapi's new single (just the LE cd with photo for now) today. I took a quick photo of one of my favorite pictures from the booklet, the photo that was included and the cd itself with obi. And I haven't gotten around to listening to it all, but I find myself liking the title track now that I've heard the full version with cd quality sound so I'm looking forward to listening to the other tracks.


Karen said...

I honestly didn't know that CD shops in Japan already have stock on Tue but at least now I know so & that goes for Oricon too

but anyway yay I can't wait to get my Loveless copies hopefully on Thurs :D the pics in the CD only limited edition are to die for *__________*

Thennary Nak said...

Yea, I already went out and picked up a copy of the RE and I'm glad I did. I enjoy the songs as they definitely all have a R&B vibe that ties them all together so they could be put together and sound like a mini-album.

It'll be interesting to see them be performed live.