
14 November 2009

Kanjani8 Tokyo Christmas Tree

I ended up going to Harajuku today to hang out and found that while Kanjani8 may not have a billboard at Shibuya (though I did spot one at the Takanobaba train station) they have something probably just as impressive, if not more so, in Harajuku. At one of the major road intersections (Meiji Street and Jingumae) there is a huge Christmas tree decorated in the Kanjani8 colors with the group's name in lights. The stand portion of it plays Kyu☆Jo☆Show!! at intervals I am assuming as it wasn't always playing the song when I passed by it. Of course I took a couple of pictures.

This is of course the bottom part of the tree which as you can see has a tree with each members' color used for a star for each one. This is where I'm guessing the speaker(s) must be to play the song.

I didn't take a picture of the tree itself until the sun had gone down so it would much more impressive at night. The four lines around Kanjani8's name change colors to match each member, except for Yokoyama Yu, as black really can't be done with lights. But there is a sequence where all the lines all switch from one color to the next and inbetween the change they go dark, so maybe that's supposed to be black. Otherwise when the lines are all different colors there is a white line, which I'm assuming is supposed to be for Yoko for that part.

I was far from the only one that stopped to take photos of the tree also. So I think this is a great idea to advertise the group as it stands out much more than yet another billboard. Also they'll have an excuse to keep it up until the holidays are over as well.


teapotique said...

Thank Q sooo much..
im very happy to C this xmas Tree..
Arigatou nee~ ^__^

Thennary Nak said...

You're welcome. ^__^