
20 November 2009

Jin's solo concert, and various other Johnny's tidbits

Because Johnny's seems like it's willing to go all out for Akanishi Jin's promotion with his movie coming out soon he will be getting his own solo concert. Or something that will be concert like at least, as it's described as a concert yet it's under the butai section at Johnny's net. Either way Jin will be singing at some point, both new and old songs from what was said in the news reports.

The concerts will be held throughout February at a hefty 11000Yen (about 120USD) ticket price. So I think that kills my liklihood of going, as I definitely do not like Jin enough to pay that much to see him, even though he seems to be more enjoyable to watch solo than when he is with KAT-TUN.

Of course I watched Music Station like usual tonight. I think if Jin was around people he liked, like Yamapi, more often I might like him a bit more. He was actually a bit cute as Yamapi was picking on him and of course his flailing after Yamapi touched his sensitive spot was pretty epic. And Yamapi needs to let this cute, devilish side of him out more as I found him rather cute as well as he goofed off with his friend.

Also there was a commercial for the Snow Prince single which had what looked like a couple of clips from what is most likely the PV for the song. It's the boys singing as the sit in chairs on a winter themed set, so nothing too exciting and hopefully the full PV will have more going on in it than that.

Also Yamapi will be returning to Music Station next week. I would have though Jin would be the one back, as his single actually releases that week but I guess not.

And I went looking for the Hey! Say! JUMP photo book today and in the three bookshops I checked I didn't find a single copy. The closest I got to finding one was one of the stores had a sign saying they were taking pre-orders for it, so I guess today isn't the release date afterall.

And tomorrow I'll be heading down to Yokohama Arena for the first concert of Yamapi's solo concerts. So expect my twitter to be active tomorrow and at least photos of the concert goods, followed by a concert report at some point afterwards. And since I don't have a good seat (in fact no seat at all, as it's a standing ticket) I'll probably go ahead and take notes, so hopefully I'll get as much as I can down.


Anonymous said...

I think the ticket is high because Jin solo live will be in a theater (you know, like Shock, Dream Boys, Takky stage plays), not a concert place. Some people say the price is cheap compared to other theater performances.

Anonymous said...

^yeah from what I gather, theatre shows seem to be more expensive. But Shock, Dream Boys and Kakumei are all musicals with hefty production costs and tons of others involved, so they really shouldn't be compared.

MS made me like Jin a little though he seems more reserved than before.

I loved how we could catch glimpses of Pi's personality. >D glad the mischievous brat I fell for is still somewhere in there.

Is your twitter public?

Anonymous said...

ahh nvm found your twitter. :D concert sounds awesome!