I ended up buying at least one of everything as I was buying items for other people. I personally only bought an uchiwa and the photo set. So the only thing I have opened to take pictures of is the photo set, as I'm not going to be opening other people's things. So with that in mind here are photos of all the goods.
I actually thought they all looked rather nice. Well except for the pen light, that to me looks lame and I'm glad I just used my general Johnny's penlight that I bought at the Johnny's Shop.

I think the way they did the uchiwa was just wonderful. As you can see it's actually a mosaic of Yamapi photos to make up his head. Though they did go the cheap way for getting the colors and shadows right by putting the photos through color filters, but I think that's partly because it looks like they only wanted to use the photos taken on Yamapi's NYC visit for everything.
While you can't always judge a book by its cover I think this pamphlet probably will look as nice as most of the other goods. It's hard cover and as you can see has a simple cover design, but at the merchandise booth they had a sample picture and it looks like they have some really nice photos in it.

The clear file is a bit plain, though I guess it does have a certain asthetic to it.

The T-shirt is rather interesting with Yamapi actually featured on it. It looked rather small to me at the goods booth and I wish Johnny's would sell T-shirts in different sizes, as one size does not fit all.
While the pen light does look a little better close up, I still think it looks like a glorified electric glow stick. It even only has one setting from what I saw at the concert. But at least they got the concert title in the see through part of the stick, as it doesn't look so cheap that way at least.
I'm rather happy with the photo set. You get serious Pi with some silly and he isn't pulling the dead emotionless face in all of them. In fact I think this is one of the better photo sets I've seen for Yamapi, IMHO.
1 comment:
1 size does not fit all.
AMEN! I thought it looked bigger from photos of it but I guess not.
The penlight looks like a test-tube to me.
Overall, I'm quite happy with the concert's goods! I'm so glad I ordered an uchiwa. :D
Thanks for sharing!
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