
29 November 2009

Yamato Nadesico Shichi Henge drama cast revealed

TBS has announced the cast of the drama adaption of the Yamato Nadesico Shichi Henge manga and it's quite Johnny's filled. Kamenashi Kazuya will have the lead and joining him from Johnny's to fill in two of the other four main male roles are Tegoshi Yuya and Uchi Hiroki.

Sanspo article.

I'm definitely happy to see Tegoshi in a drama again. He's not my favorite actor but just seeing the members of NEWS actively doing something is enough for me to be happy. And I've read some of the manga before and I really like he's a good fit for it.

With Kame in the lead it makes me wonder if KAT-TUN will be getting a group single early in 2010, as doing the theme song for this drama is the usual kind of tie-in the group gets.

I'm not sure about how I feel about Uchi being in the drama. I think it's mainly because I think the role could have easily gone to one of the older Hey! Say! JUMP members instead of him so I feel a bit bitter about that. I mean this is a series set in high school and I really do believe it's time for Hey! Say! BEST to start getting the high school roles over the older groups, but I guess that still might be some time coming for that change to take place.


Tokajiin said...

I've been lurking your blog for quite awhile, since it's such a tremendous pile of information for the Johnny's Fandom. So thank you.

But I literally screamed when I read your entry. I completley adore that anime, and the fact that three Johnnys are in the cast, just really made my day.

Thanks for your hard work~

Anonymous said...

D: mte. I was just thinking that one of HSB could have gotten Uchi's role. From what I've seen, both Hikaru and Daiki are pretty good actors.

satsukisora said...

i still don't like Tego be in this drama. and as tuki :/ Yuki is cute and me and my friend had imagine that Seto Koji must be more suitable to play in that role.. Or maybe Daiki :D

Just,please make a good live action drama cause PGE is a succes as manga.