
11 November 2009

Tokyo Dome City Illumination event

So today was the Tokyo Dome City Illumination event today, which was the beginning of Tokyo Dome City's holiday light displays being lit during the evenings. As I didn't go there as one of the Hey! Say! JUMP fanclub members that were selected to come, I wasn't actually sure when this would begin today. So I decided to just come by after school and stay if the event hadn't happened yet. I ended up being lucky that I ended up at Tokyo Dome City about fifteen minutes before 6 PM. But as I was walking towards the stage area at Tokyo Dome City I passed by the Dome itself and saw the lines the girls selected to be near the stage were lining up to get in order to begin heading over.

It was rainy all day, and while it let up quite a bit near the start of the event it began coming down pretty bad near the end, so I ended up getting rather wet as I didn't want to block the view of anyone behind me I didn't pull out my umbrella and had to rely on my hoodie to keep me dry.

I first just found a place on the second floor of the Tokyo City Dome mall area and found a place that I could see a bit of the stage. I stayed there until the first part was over, which was just some MC talking for a bit. There was a break and during this break I took the chance and went down to the ground floor and actually found a spot along the railing separating the selected fans and the other viewers there. I had a good view of the stage and I took a picture real quick before they began the main event.

Arioka Daiki, Yamada Ryosuke and Chinen Yuri were introduced and they came out singing NYC. They had four Juniors back dancing for them, but I only recognized Otsuka Yuya amoung them. I couldn't hear much of what was said because the fangirl screams were so loud. They all had really nice winter coats on, with Yamada in red, Chinen in green and Daiki in blue. But I was happy to notice that Arioka talked quite a bit. In fact he and Yamada easily talked the most of the three. They had the crowd eventually yell out 'Hey! Say! JUMP' and lit up the lights. The lights are all a part of these really huge structures. I took a picture of one of them as I was leaving to show you kinda what I mean.

But after the lights were turned on I did catch what they were saying right after, which was just saying how 'awesome' and 'pretty' the lights were. They then performed Yuuki 100%, which the Juniors left after performing. The HSJ trio stayed on stage as the lady doing the MC led them in showing some of the other lights around the Tokyo Dome City area that couldn't be seen from the area the stage was in. Then they brought the news photographers on stage and took photos of the three with the crowd as the background. After that it was an interview with the trio getting asked questions about what they thought about the lights and various topics about Christmas.

At the end the three huddled together to decide on what to yell out together to the crowd. They messed up the first time and had to do it a second time. Then they left the stage and that was pretty much the end of the event. I headed home soon after as I have homework to do and I was starving.


jadeyeap said...

to think that it was a year ago that koyashige were there. time FLIES. thanks for this!

Anonymous said...

Ah~ They sang Yuuki 100%
Anyway, Thank you for this fine fan-report.
You're so fast XD

yuzukisu ; said...

O.O do you have more pictures??
>o<''' lalala~ i sooo wanna go watch this! you're like super lucky >///<

fana said...

thanks.. I wish i was there~~

dominique7 said...

thanks for this one.... ^_^

Just that careless said...

Thats' so cool!

Uri-NY sekai~ said...

omona!please bring me there next year!^

Anonymous said...

OMG no fair T^T
i wish i could have gone -_-...
goshh christmas is coming already, i wonder what theyre gonna do for christmas :]

thank you for the report!!!<3

Thennary Nak said...

@ daiiLemon ;;

Not really, as I only had my camera phone on me, which doesn't take great pictures & they had staff walking around making sure people weren't taking photos during the time the boys were onstage.

Anonymous said...

Oh~ It's really nice of you to share this <3 Thanks !

You're so lucky~ ! ^^