
08 November 2009

Professor Morimoto, the younger

Well it looks like Morimoto Shintarou is going to continue to be busier than his older brother as it has been announced that he will be a regular in a new variety program, Ocha no Mizu Hakase. The program will air on TBS starting on November 17th at 7:55PM and will air every Tuesday after. And while it is a variety program it promises to have an educational slant by having its regulars act as professors as they go on location to learn about new things.

In the Mainichi article it mentions that one of the adult regulars mentions he has a son about MoriShin's age and that he hopes to ask Johnny if they could get Morimoto Ryutarou on the program as well as a guest.

Mainichi article.
(Japanese only)

I'm actually rather happy to know that they sound like they will try to get Ryutarou on the program as well, even if it's only as a guest. But as he really has done so little lately I think it would be nice if he could do something like this ever once and a while.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Grats to Shintaro but i also hope ryutaro will be able to be as a guest on the show