
26 October 2009

HSJ & MoriShin November events

Well it looks like some of the members of Hey! Say! JUMP and Morimoto Shintarou have something to look forward to in the upcoming month. Johnny's net has updated for two events that will take place in Tokyo in November.

The first is a lamp lighting ceremony at Tokyo Dome City on the 11th of November that Yamada Ryosuke, Chinen Yuri and Arioka Daiki will be a part of. I have to say I'm most excited to see Daiki do something, as he really hasn't done anything for sometime. I am quite tempted to head over to the area on the day of to see if I can see the ceremony, as I'm sure it's for lighting up the Tokyo City Area with the Christmas/New Year's lights.

The other event is for Morimoto Shintarou, and from the title for dogs as well. This event will take place on the 1st of November and the title is Wan Wan Wan Day Charity Event. For those who don't know the Japanese sound for a dog bark is 'wan' and since this is meant to tie-in with the promotions for Snow Prince, which MoriShin has a canine co-star in, I'm sure the charity must tie-in with dogs. And I'm sure we'll get media coverage of the event the day after on the usual programs.


AimxAim said...

And Yuto is doing nothing. :/

JUMP as a whole has been doing nothing. It's hard for me to accept that 2009 was just a JUMPless year. Concerts are great, but not so much for foreign fans.
In 2010 we better get a JUMP overdose!

Aisyazurina said...

actually... this year they all involved in yabu in ninkyo helper,kento in hyakushi, hikaru in othros no inu, yamada in 2 drama sp nini.. n hindarime tantei.... but others just only debut even there are many new song from them..I as a foreigner really missing hsj... we cannot go to the concert n there are no dvd for us....

sorry my english really broken...