
20 August 2012

Sexy Zone's snow in summer in autumn

Sexy Zone will be releasing their third single on October 3rd. The A-side will be a new theme song the show Real Scope Z, Sexy Summer ni Yuki ga Furu. It will also feature the new sub unit for the group, Sexy Boyz.

Like the second single there are the same three versions of the single, with two being limited editions with a DVD and one regular edition.

The first limited edition will have three tracks, the title theme, the Kimi no Tame Boku ga Iru song that was used as the Olympics volleyball theme song and the Sexy Boyz song Ame Datte. It also comes with a DVD that will have the PV for the title track and a sticker.

The second LE has the same track listing as the first for the CD and also comes with a DVD and a sticker, but a different version. This DVD has the making of footage for the PV.

Then the regular edition will comes with all three tracks and another track, Bay Side Elegy, and the karaoke tracks for all four songs. As well as a trading card like the previous releases each CD will have one of five of a set.

The first press bonus for the singles is another poster like all previous releases but this one will be double sided with one side being Sexy Zone and the other Sexy Boyz.

There is also a version that people attending SUMMARY from October 3rd on can buy that has all the songs of the RE (minus the karaoke tracks) and will come with a sticker sheet. (EDIT: I completely forgot that SUMMARY ends in September, so I think this is probably more a pre-order thing where people can pre-order the single at SUMMARY and on the release date it will be sent to them.)

Honestly I have been less than impressed with the title track, as they have performed it a couple of times so you can hunt it down to listen to it, and it seems like an odd fit for the date they are releasing the single. October is well into the fall/autumn season so it seems strange to have a song with summer in the name released then. But the covers for the single are all winter themed which makes it seem like it is coming out a bit too early.

But I do like Kimi no Tame Boku ga Iru so I am glad it is getting a CD release. And we will be hearing the Sexy Boyz Ame Datte song with the September Shounen Club episodes so we will be able to get a preview of that before the release date. Either way I do tend to like the B-sides over the title tracks so I will assume it will remain the same with this release.

Sexy Boyz has had a member change with this release. It is still lead by Yo Marius and Matsushima So but there are only six Juniors instead of the original nine and two of the six are Kansai Juniors. So the current line up for the group is now; Matsushima So, Yo Marius, Jinguji Yuta, Kuramoto Kaoru, Haniuda Amu, Nakamura Reia, Nishihata Daigo (Naniwa Oji) & Nagase Ren (Naniwa Oji).

I am actually rather happy with the changes as it is nice to see the Kansai Juniors be given something and being on a CD is not bad, especially for newer Kanjuu like Daigo and Ren. Though I doubt they will ever perform with the rest of the group unless maybe if they do a filming for Shounen Club in Osaka and even then it could just be Marius and So because Johnny's seems to be cheap with bringing Juniors over to Osaka or Tokyo. But still, they are bound to have their pictures with the rest of the group and be on the poster that comes with first press orders of the single.

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