
21 August 2012

Bakaleya6 get an added concert

One of the exciting things once the time for ticket balloting is over is to see if shows have been added or not. And in the case of the SUMMARY concert shows that the Bakaleya6 are head lining they have an additional show. This of course means that there was enough demand at just the fan club level for Johnny's to believe it would be worth having them do another concert. 

So now on September 9th they will do two shows, the first at 10AM and the second at 4PM. The later concert for Uchi Hiroki w/ Question? had to be moved back to 7PM instead of the 6PM time slot it originally had for that day.

This of course is great news for the Bakaleya6 as it proves that they are popular. It is no surprise though with Bakaleya doing as well as it did and then having four of the six members get drama roles in the current drama season, with one of them in one of the highest rating dramas of the season. I really hope they get an official group name soon, as Johnny's would be foolish to separate the boys as they can easily become the next mega popular Junior group if things keep going the way they are.

In other news Sexy Zone and A.B.C-Z have switched their venues for SUMMARY, so SZ is in Tokyo and Ebi in Nagoya. I am hoping that with SZ in Tokyo there will be some special announcements as it will probably have the news shows doing reports for it, but we will see.


Anonymous said...

'next mega popular Junior group'
i like it!!!
i hope so..official name please...

Thennary Nak said...

They really could be big and I do hope we get a name for the group soon.