
25 February 2012

Odds & Ends

In recent years there have been a few debuts that have become vague on what the status is for the group. The vagueness comes from the fact that either a member or the whole group is still listed under the Junior sections of the official websites, like Johnny’s net, in contrast to a group like Kis-My-Ft2 who were given their own section and taken out of the Junior section when their debut single was released. So until a second release is announced it is difficult to make the call on where they fall.

At the moment there are two groups that fall into limbo between being a Junior group and a career debuted group:


Blue: Nakayama Yuma, Red: Yamada Ryosuke, Yellow: Chinen Yuri

Members: Nakayama Yuma, Yamada Ryosuke & Chinen Yuri

NYC is a bit of an oddity among the oddities as two of the three members, Yamada Ryosuke and Chinen Yuri, are members of Hey! Say! JUMP as well and were no longer considered Juniors when that group was announced and got their own section on the OHPs. But NYC also came about in a rather jumbled way to begin with.

NYC’s start is tied to the creation of Nakayama Yuma w/B.I.Shadow back in 2009. This group was announced as a newly debuted group, with Nakayama Yuma, a Kansai Junior, and the Tokyo Junior group of four, B.I.Shadow. Their debut song was announced to be the theme song of the drama Nakayama was set to star in, Koishite Akuma. Soon after though NYC boys was announced, which would be YuBIS with Yamada Ryosuke and Chinen Yuri, as Nakayama, Yamada and Chinen had the first letter of their last names to spell NYC with. With that announcement the debut single for both groups was released later in 2009 to great confusion if these groups were one off debuts or would be sticking around.

In the end Johnny’s surprised everyone with making it neither as they announced that only the NYC trio will be going on to continue releasing CDs while the boys from B.I. Shadow would be dropped from the group. The first NYC single was released in 2010 and was a cover of Hikaru Genji’s song Yuuki 100%, which has remained a song that the group has performed the most since their formation.

NYC has released about one single per year and have performed on Kouhaku Uta Gassen since 2009 (their first performance as NYC boys). The group has performed in concert, but always a part of a HSJ tour and never being solo headliners.

The released a single in 2012 which was a double A-side with the first being a NYC song and the other being a solo song for Nakayama. Since then the group has gone back to its usual hiatus with Yamada and Chinen busy with HSJ activities.

Even though Yamada and Chinen are not Juniors, Nakayama is still considered to be one so their releases still fall under the Junior sections. And it is also why the group falls into the odds and ends section as there has not been another group like NYC.

Directory >
Johnny’s Juniors, full of rising stars and heartbreak
The Early and Rocky Path to Fame
Kondo Masahiko: Singer, Dancer, Actor, Professional Race Car Driver
Giving a New Meaning to Playzone, Shounentai
Hikaru Genji, Shining the Brightest and Crashing the Hardest
Otokogumi, Rocking It Old School
The Living Legend of SMAP
TOKIO, From Spaceships to the Over 30s World
Victory, Volleyball, Vegetable, Vicylce? V6
KinKi Kids, It's Not What You Think
Arashi, Storming to the Top
The Inseparable Duo, Tackey & Tsubasa
North, East, West, South ... It's big NEWS
Kansai Underdogs,  Kanjani∞
Cartoon? KAT-TUN!
Jumping to Their Dreams, Hey! Say! JUMP
Johnny's Black Sheep, Akanishi Jin
How to Debut Without Even Trying, Ikuta Toma
Kis-My-Ft2, Everybody Go (Roller Skating)!
Yamashita Tomohisa, Johnny’s Golden Boy
Entering the Sexy Zone
The 5Stars A.B.C-Z
International Ventures
Johnny's and Charity 
Odds & Ends


Jude said...

NYC is certainly a strange one. But they have their own official JE page so it might suggest something of a music career?

Chris said...

NYC was obviously created just in order to promote Yuma,so I don´t think that group will exist forever. Once Johnny´s make up their mind how to debut Yuma for real, they´ll drop NYC.
Seeing how this boy is doing great doing solo stuff, I prefer him doing something outside of NYC anyway.

Anonymous said...

I know you probably don't care that much, and I hate to be a picky ebi fan, but Goseki wasn't in the original A.B.C. lineup. Yes, the group was formed somewhere in 2000, with te members being Totsu, Kawai, Tsuka-chan, Tatsumi Yudai and Koshioka Yuki (both of which are in 4U currently). Goseki didn't join ebi until like 2002, after those two got moved into MAD.

Thennary Nak said...

@ Jude

Well Yuma has his on page on JE's site but he's definitely still a Junior. Which is why I tend to go with Johnny's net instead.

@ Chris

I would prefer to see Yuma going solo myself. Then there would be no worry any longer about HSJ having to go on hiatus to let NYC do something. And since HSJ is by far the more popular of the two groups I can see NYC getting disbanded eventually as well, like with Yuma going solo.

@ Anonymous

Thank you for the information. I went ahead and edited the entry so I have the correct info up.