
10 July 2012

NMB48's Virginity ... щ(ಥДಥщ)

Finally we have the title of the upcoming NMB48 single as well as full track listings. Though I think I could live without the title of the A-side, which is Virginity.

Virginity Type A
2.Musou Girlfriend
3.Bokura no Regetta (Shirogumi)
4.Virginity (Off Vocal)
5.Musou Girlfriend (Off Vocal)
6.Bokura no Regetta (Shirogumi(Off Vocal)

1.Virginity MV  
2.Virginity MV (Dance Mix Version)
3.Musou Girlfriend MV 
4.Bokura no Regetta (Shirogumi) MV 
5.Special Movie ""Goodnight movie (1st half)" 

Virginity Type B

2.Musou Girlfriend
3.Sonzai Shitenai Mono  (Akagumi)
4.Virginity (Off Vocal)
5.Musou Girlfriend (Off Vocal)
6.Sonzai Shitenai Mono  (Akagumi(Off Vocal)

1.Virginity MV  
2.Virginity MV (Dance Mix Version)
3.Musou Girlfriend MV 
4.Sonzai Shitenai Mono (Akagumi) MV 
5.Special Movie ""Goodnight movie (2nd half)" 

Virginity Type C

2.Musou Girlfriend
3.Sunahama de Pistol   (Namaba Teppoutai)
4.Virginity (Off Vocal)
5.Musou Girlfriend (Off Vocal)
6.Sunahama de Pistol  ( Namaba Teppoutai(Off Vocal)

1.Virginity MV  
2.Virginity MV (Dance Mix Version)
3.Musou Girlfriend MV 
4.Sunahama de Pistol ( Namaba Teppoutai) MV 
5.Special Movie: NMB feat.吉本新喜劇 Vol.4

Virginity Theatre Edition

2.Bokura no Regetta (Shirogumi)
3.Sonzai Shitenai Mono (Akagumi)
4.Chotto Nekoze
5.Virginity (Off Vocal)
6. Bokura no Regetta (Shirogumi)(Off Vocal)
7. Sonzai Shitenai Mono (Akagumi) (Off Vocal)

8. Chotto Nekose (ff Vocal)

I cannot say I am thrilled with the song. I like that it has a 50s/60s retro sound to it but the title and lyrics leave much to be desired. Though it does make me feel glad that Yogi Keila is not in the senbatsu as I do not need to hear a twelve year old sing about virginity. In fact having Jo Erika (14) still in makes me side eye this song pretty hard right now.

At least Musou Girlfriend is a decent song and hopefully the other B-sides will be good. I already like the sound of Namba Teppoutai's Sunahama de Pistol. Hopefully it will be as fun as the name sounds as it looks like that will be the version I will buy of this single.

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