
01 January 2012

Never Ending Music Power in 2012

I wanted to make sure the first post for the year would be fitting and so I'll be talking about blog stuff a bit, which will include some plans I have for the blog for the year.

First off I am really happy to see that 2011 has been the second most active year for the blog, only topped by 2009 when I was in Japan and had a lot to blog about when there. I do hope to finally hit 300 posts for 2012 though, and with the way I have been posting in the past few months it looks like it will be quite possible.

To update about History of Johnny's, as you can tell I missed yesterday's post. I thought about doing it for today but instead have decided to actually just "take the week off" instead. This is mainly because I have decided that the groups/artists that I will be covering will be those who have official pages on Johnny's net and I want to give more time to see if Sexy Zone and A.B.C-Z will be getting their own pages before I finish up this project.

Right now since I will be adding Ikuta Toma to the list of artist to cover, as he does have his own Johnny's net page and is no longer considered a Junior, the individual pages for groups/artists end the weekend before A.B.C-Z release their debut DVD. So if they get their own page with the debut I will give them a page, if not they will be placed in the final post I will make for the series as they will land into the oddities category with NYC and Sexy Zone (if SZ still doesn't have their own Johnny's net page by then).

When I am done I will go back to update anything that needs to be updated in the posts for it, as if the past few months have shown things do not always remain constant with Johnny's.

Once I do finish with the History of Johnny's I do have another project that I'll want to start. Since I have enjoyed doing the couple of PV reviews I have done so far I have been thinking of going through the PVs I have for the various releases I have purchased, so mostly Hey! Say! JUMP with other groups mixed in, if mainly because Johnny's for some reason almost never has PVs released with NEWS' CDs.

But even with that as a project I will still do PV reviews for new releases whenever I can find a version I can download to make screen caps from or when I actually get the CD/DVD with it.

And for now that is about all I have planned for the blog for the year. If anything this should cover the first half of the year and I am sure by mid-year I will have figured out what to do for my next project.

Thank you all for following me in 2011 and I hope you stick around for 2012.


Ani2 said...

I always enjoy reading your blog, so of course I´ll continue to follow :)
Hopefully there´ll be lots of great news so you can post lots of things.
I´m looking forward to your new project as well!

Thennary Nak said...

Thank you, I'm always glad to know that I can count on you to be one of my regulars to leave comments.

I hope there's a lot of good news too. I'd hate to post about more bad news after last year.

AimxAim said...

Happy New Year. :]
I look forward to reading your blog again this year. I'm especially looking forward to your PV reviews. Since PV reviews are my favorite things to read on any blog.

Chris said...

Thank you for all entries you´ve done in 2011. Your entries are always interesting and I´m having fun to comment here. Also, always thanks for replying to my comments.

It makes me happy that there are many people who read your blog and comment too because I love reading other comments as well.
I hope this year will be great for Johnny´s and that we can discuss about lots of interesting stuff this year too!

Thennary Nak said...

@ AimxAim

Thank you. Hopefully I'll have the PV review up soon. I'm glad they seem to be a hit with people as I enjoy doing them.

@ Chris

Thank you for reading and leaving comments. I always appreciate that.

I hope so too, and it seems like so far 2012 is shaping up to be a good year.