
08 August 2011

Hey! Say! JUMP has Magic Power

In better news for Hey! Say! JUMP fans there's a new single that will come out September 21st. The title track will be Magic Power, the theme song for the Japanese release of The Smurfs movie, and it will come in three editions. The regular edition has three B-side tracks as well as the karaoke tracks for all the songs on that CD that will not be on the LEs. The Type 1 LE will have a Hey! Say! BEST song as the B-side as well as a DVD with the PV and making of. The Type 2 LE will have a Hey! Say! 7 song and a DVD with about 30 minutes of concert footage from their 2011 spring concert.

Magic Power [Regular Edition] / Hey! Say! JUMP

Magic Power [w/ DVD, Limited Edition Type 1] / Hey! Say! JUMP

Magic Power [w/ DVD, Limited Edition Type 2] / Hey! Say! JUMP

Honestly I liked what I heard of Magic Power so far, it is a bit of a departure from their more recent A-sides but isn't out of line of their songs like Romeo & Juliet and Aiing -Aishiteru-. And we're getting quite a few songs with this single, four new group songs and two unit songs that will finally be getting CD versions, HSB's School Days and HS7's Get!!. The only downside to it is that it marks the first nine member release for the group and I honestly can't help but think it won't be the last.

I am rather curious about the concert footage. I can't help but think it's going to have Ryutaro edited out of it as much as possible. It also makes me wonder if they were planning of releasing it as a concert DVD but after the scandal had to scrap those plans. But I guess that's all just speculation on my part and we'll have to see the footage ourselves to see what it'll actually be.


Misa said...

Here for the new HSJ single, yayXD
But 3 editions again? Poor my wallet T_T
But I´ll buy even though I don´t like that song so much. I still miss Ryutaro .........

Thennary Nak said...

I think the down side of Over doing so well is that Johnny's wants to make sure this next single doesn't drop in numbers by too much.

Well there's always the B-sides to look forward to if you don't like the title track. I'm just glad they seem to be continuing with releasing CD versions of live only songs with this release.

I think Ryutaro's absence is going to be most notable with this release with the HS7 song, as those songs are really the ones you can hear him.

Jackie said...

I´m still not feeling "Magic Power", probably because I wanted JUMP to continue their mature way.
Well, I like the song but not as an A-side.
But it really sounds "JUMPish" to me and not like a NYC song, so that´s a good thing.
I really really want HSJ to sell again so much as with OVER, but I quite don´t see that happening. Something around 150k or so but let´s see if JE will add some bonus stuff again to push the sales.
Then it might look different of course.

Thennary Nak said...

I don't think they'll do as well as Over, though they do actually have a tie-in for this single this time. But I do think it'll still sell better than they usually did because of the three versions and each version having something a HSJ would really want with it. So I would say they'd probably pass 150K though, maybe more in the 170-180K range.