
28 March 2011

SMAP show their Lion Heart

In light of the Tohoku quake earlier this month SMAP has not only donated money personally but are finding other ways to give to the relief effort.

Their March 21st SMAP x SMAP show was dedicated to the victims of the quake and following typhoon and the group had the money they would earn from the program donated to the Japanese Red Cross.

The media reports that the group through their various personal donations have given about an estimated 400 million yen. Johnny's though refuses to say anymore than that they did donate personally as they see the matter as a personal matter and deserves privacy.

SMAP also plans to discuss how to help with the relief efforts on their SMAP Ganbarimasu! morning program on the 2nd of April. And they have stated that they will participate in the upcoming Johnny's project for the relief effort.

Momoedgewood blog.
Second entry. (English)

I actually rather like that we aren't getting exact numbers of who donated how much and all that. Very few people can donate the kind of money that a group like SMAP can and even the small amounts people can donate are just as important because of that.

And I will be quite surprised if there isn't a member of an active Johnny's group that isn't a part of the upcoming relief project. But it's still nice to know for certain one of the groups that will participate.

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