
25 March 2011

Kanjani8 ramps up for 3 months of releases

Sorry for being MIA recently. I have to move soon and school starts again for me on Monday and various other things have been eating into my time. Thankfully things should settle down by next month. Which looks like it'll be fine overall as things seem to finally be settling in Japan and news is reporting more of the usual again.

One of those usual things is news about new releases for Kanjani8 for the first half of the year. The concert DVD they had to postpone from its original March 30th release date is now set to be released on April 13th.

Then to continue draining the wallets of K8 fans they will release three singles over three months. The first will be for the songs they've done for the Crayon Shin-Chan series and will come out as a double A-side on April 20th. Then on May 11th the next single will be the theme song for Nishikido Ryo's upcoming drama, Inu wo Kau to Iu Koto. And in June the third single will be release on June 8th which will be another drama theme song, this time for the drama Ohkura Tadayoshi will have a role in, Umareru.

Tokyo Graph article. (English)

The first single, T.W.L./Yellow Pansy Street is up for pre-order and comes in three editions. The two LE editions each have a DVD with a PV for one of the A-sides and the RE has the karaoke tracks of the songs.

T.W.L / Yellow Pansy Street [Regular Edition] / KANJANI8

T.W.L / Yellow Pansy Street [w/ DVD, Limited Edition - Anime] / KANJANI8

T.W.L / Yellow Pansy Street [w/ DVD, Limited Edition - Movie] / KANJANI8


Jackie said...

Wow, Kanjani8 are releasing 3 singles in so short time? It´s great for them and the fans who waited for so long. I´m looking forward to listen to the songs and I hope all 3 singles will sell well.

Anonymous said...

I wished that NEWS would release a single too. At least I hoped the song for Ryo´s drama would by NEWS, but it´s by K8.
Oh well...

Anonymous said...

I would have preferred that Kanjani would release those 3 singles through the whole year and not all in Spring.